3 - Things To Explain

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3rd Person POV

After the two had gotten back, Hot Rod showed Soundwave to the old friend group the two were in after the war ended before.

Members of it were:
Hot Rod
Shadow Striker

Whirl patted Soundwave on the back plate. "Glad to have ya back, buddie!" He chuckled.

Grimlock smiled, transforming into his Dino-bot form and bringing everyone into a big hug. "We all miss you, Soundwave." Grimlock said in his not full-speech voice.

(Ah, yes: nothing like eating a sandwich with salad while working on my story )

Soundwave removed his battle mask he always wore, his intake showing a smile.

Everyone let go, shocked, optics wide. Hot Rod wasn't shocked, if we're going to be honest, though.

"YOU HAVE AN INTAKE?!" Bumblebee yelled, very shocked.

"Friend has intake?!" Grimlock asked, still in his Dino-bot form.

Soundwave was speechless, and said nothing but, "Yes." Then closed his intake and put back his battle mask.

Hot Rod chuckled. "I've seen his intake before, but I was literally threatened by him to not tell, heh." He said.

Although Percy was shocked, he decided to not ask any questions just incase Soundwave wants privacy from personal questions.

Shadow Striker just had her intake wide wide open.

Whirl asked Soundwave questions such as why do you hide your intake? Or do you ever drink energon? Or have you ever kissed some-bot? And other random scrap a bot with the name 'Whirl' would ask.

Soundwave wasn't used to being asked these type of things, so he stayed quiet and stepped behind Hot Rod as a sign of do something, 'cause I can't.

Hot Rod got the message and smiled awkwardly. "Hey, uh, Whirl, Soundwave looks like he's not in the mood to answer anything, so y'might wanna leave him alone before y'burst his bubble." Hot Rod cooed awkwardly in his best tone to sound like he wasn't telling Whirl that in his shut the frag up dumbaft— tone.

Whirl apologized and left, the others followed him.

Hot Rod sighed, turning around to Soundwave. "Hey. You alright?" He asked.

Soundwave nodded, still silent.

Hot Rod took Soundwave's servo and led him somewhere.


"Remember this place?" Hot Rod asked, letting go of Soundwave's servo and looking up into the beautiful sky.

"Remember this place?" Hot Rod asked, letting go of Soundwave's servo and looking up into the beautiful sky

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(Art is by me!)

"...Yes; I do." Soundwave said, looking into Hot Rod's beautiful optics. "I remember when you took me up here once when I was stressed, after the war." Soundwave added.

Hot Rod smiled, knowing Soundwave remembered.

"What happened after I died?" Soundwave asked, still staring into Hot Rod's optics. "The decepticons that we're under Tarn's control were freed, and Optimus isn't a prime anymore. He goes just by Orion now." Hot Rod answered, looking into Soundwave's visor.
"Oh. Nothing too interesting?" Soundwave asked. "Nothing too interesting." Hot Rod repeated.

Soundwave removed his battle mask and put a servo on Hot Rod's cheek. "You know.." He said, leaning in closer. "I never mentioned how beautiful your face plate is."

Hot Rod blushed, looking away. "I never mentioned how sweet you are.." He muttered, his entire face plate becoming bright blue.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Soundwave teased.
Hot Rod became even more blue: just hearing Soundwave's voice made him feel safe and calm.

"I said I never mentioned how sweet you are.." Hot Rod said, his whole face plate practically burning with blush.

"I love you too." Soundwave lastly said before kissing Hot Rod.

(Just a liiiiiiiiiiiiittle bit o' lime, okay?)

Hot Rod kissed back passionately, kindly asking for an entrance, to which Soundwave granted, their glossas swirling around each other.

The two then released their glossas, a trail of energon connecting from both of their tips.

Hot Rod then kissed Soundwave again, feeling a warm, fuzzy feeling that felt like it would never fade.

When the two pulled their dermasses away from each other, Hot Rod hugged Soundwave. "I...I never thought I'd make out with a decepticon.." Hot Rod muttered. "And I never thought I would make out with an autobot." Soundwave said, pulling Hot Rod closer, his servo slowly rubbing circles on Hot Rod's helm.

Silent for a long time, the two stayed in that position for a while, until Hot Rod fell into recharge, slowly sloping down.

Soundwave put his battle mask back on, picked Hot Rod up, and walked over to the Metroplex.

When Soundwave arrived at the Metroplex, he looked around for Bee. Once he spotted him, he walked over to him.

"Hi, Soundwave—" "Shut up, your brother's sleeping." Soundwave interrupted Bee, handing Hot Rod into Bee's arms. "Oh. O-Okay," Bee said. "Tell him I gave him to you." Said Soundwave, walking away and going into MacCadam's.


Heyy, how'd I do?? Also, here

✅Superior // HOT ROD X SOUNDWAVE // CYBERVERSE AU✅Where stories live. Discover now