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Anne was sitting in her cell humming a tune she herd once long ago. Soon she heard footsteps coming down the stairs again. She clenched onto her shirt and just hopped it would be marcy and Sasha. Luckily it was. "Hey Anne! We got a way to get you out of there!" Marcy beamed. Sasha smiled, but more nervously. Anne examined them. Marcy was holding an outfit in her arms.

The guard that was down there stepped aside as Sasha pulled out her keys and opened the cell. Anne slowly exited the cell watching everyone closely. "C'mon let's go up to our room! Your gonna be staying with us!" Anne was definitely confused, but obeyed.

The king had alerted the guards of the new arrangement.

The three of them walked to the room. When they arrived Sasha stepped forward and held the door open for them, and then shutting it. "Okay now that you're here I guess I should explain what's going on." Marcy said.

"Uhh yea I'm a little confused." Anne responded warily to Marcy. Marcy held out the outfit she had been holding. Anne stared at it. It had looked like what she had seen servants wearing when she first got here. "Uhhhh." Was all she could manage. "You are going to be my new personal servant !" Marcy chirped.

Anne couldn't believe it. She looked over at Sasha who just nodded her head. "Oh uh cool?" She said tentatively. "Does that mean I have to do like- chores or something for you?" She understood the concept of servants, but she wasn't sure if she would have a specific job. Also she wasn't all to sure how she felt about this.

"Well pretty much, you just do as I say. If you don't, you get punished. But in reality I really just got you this role so you wouldn't be forced in that cell anymore, and you could stay with us!" She said happily leaning on to Sasha who just blushed.

"Wait wait wait. So I don't have to live in a cell anymore?" She asked hoping to clarify. She just hoped this new 'job' didn't involve her getting more hurt. "Nope! Your free! Kinda. You do sorta have to do what anyone tells you though. Specially me, my father, Sasha, or any other guard." "Huh. Well uh ok then." "Also your gonna have to were the outfit." Sasha piped in pointing at the clothe, still in Marcy's hands. Anne looked down. "Seriously?" "Yea sorry. It just symbolizes your stance Y'know?" "I guess that makes sense."

"But before you put on the clothes, I think we should cover those cuts." Sasha butted in. Anne nonchalantly raised her hand to her cheek and creased a small cut. She hadn't seen what she looked like for a while. She could feel several small scratches and bruises. She looked around for a mirror. Marcy had one in the corner of the room near her bed next to two large bean bags. She walked over to examine herself.

When she saw her reflection she winced. She was obviously not in the best condition, but she felt fine overall. Behind her in her reflection she saw Sasha walk into the bathroom. Marcy was watching her. It made her feel nervous...but also kind of excited? It was weird.

Soon Sasha came back out with a small box filled with bandages and other healing type things. Sasha motioned Anne back over to her and Marcy.

Marcy pulled out a pink cushiony chair and had Anne sit down. Sasha pulled out a bottle that appeared to have a goo in it, and also grabbed bandaids, and a wet rag she must had rinsed in the sink before coming back out. She then kneeled down to eye level with Anne, then reached out to her with the rag. Anne flinched slightly back. Sasha gave her a concerned expression, but still went to put the rag on a cut.

Anne bit her tongue and did her best to keep herself from squirming. Her eyes squeezed shut as the blonde gently rubbed from scratch to scratch. She felt a sting from deeper cuts and a moment of pain whenever she would brush against a bruise. Sasha always seemed to notice Anne's discomfort and would make effort to move away from the place quicker.

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