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It was late at night. All three girls were is their respective beds. But only two of the three were sound asleep. The third twisted and turned as she lived out a nightmare in her dream.

She was released from her prison. This meant She got to see everyone again. Anne ran as fast as her legs would carry her through the castle gates. She was immediately in front of her camp. The random teleportation went unnoticed.

She barged thorough the entrance, but found it empty. Fog lined the ground as if the clouds had fallen from the sky. Where is everyone? There wasn't a sound to be heard. They wouldn't leave her would they? They're family!

At least that's what they told her.

She took a step, the ground crumbled beneath her foot. She panicked and withdrew her foot and taking several steps back before tripping and falling on her back. The crack spread throughout the camp and a sinkhole opened up. Everything fell into a pit of darkness.

Everything. All she knew fell. The tents, the fence, the fire pits, the soil, the supplies. All of it gone.

Anne got up and ran. With every step the ground cracked. The hole got closer to her. It sounded like it was calling her. "Annnneee~" or maybe it was just the wind and the crashing sounds in her ears.

When did it get so loud?

Why was this happening? Where is everyone? Suddenly she saw a figure, then another. Several people were out in front of her. It didn't take long to recognize them. "HOP POP?" She called out. He was still so far... merely a blur in the fog.

The others around him were sprig, Polly, and Loggle.

"Anne" Loggle said annoyed. "You failed the whole mission. How does the head commander get captured so easily. You couldn't even steal a few bags of seed?" He said almost bored sounding. "I-I tried! They snuck up on me! a-and I-I" she was cut off as Hop Pop spoke up.

"Anne... you were our best commander and you failed. How do you think we are going to last with out ya? We'll find away. We don't need you. We never needed you. You've always been a burden. I never should have taken you off the streets that day."

Anne froze in fear. He didn't mean that! Did he? "I use to look up to you y'know..." Sprig said quietly. It was unsettling. I use to watch as you always came back victorious. You were strong. But now you're weak."

Anne tried to speak but she couldn't. Tears formed in her eyes.

"I always thought you were cool. Guess I was wrong. You are no sister of mine." Polly said bitterly.

Anne wanted to run to them and explain it was all a misunderstanding. She wasn't weak! Was she? It was something she always worried about...

"I hope you didn't think we would come back for you." Hop pop said humorously. "I mean- why would we? I guess you're already use to being left behind. Like that one time that orphan gang you were in before you had us. What was the guys name again?" He asked looking back at Anne waiting for her to finish. "T-tritonio." Anne said trying not to cry. This was all to much.

"Ah yes. I remember you telling me that story. You should be use to being left behind. Even your own parents left you." Before Anne could speak again the hole came and swallowed them up. Anne fell as well. As she fell into the pit of darkness, all of their words flooded her mind. Well, maybe it wasn't all darkness. The heads of everyone she knew appeared around her, spinning across the vast darkness. On top of that it still sounded like someone was calling her name.

She hit the ground, which turned out to be flooded with water about a foot tall. She took notice that it was rising. It was filling with her tears.

"You" a voice rang through the air. She reconized that voice. She looked up. In front of her stood Marcy and Sasha holding hands. "You're so pathetic." Sasha spoke. "It was so easy to beat you. Do you even pay attention to your surroundings? You didn't even see me sneak up behind you. I wonder how others feel about that."  Her voice was dark and cold. It sent a shiver through Anne.

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