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Six Months Later

Things happened exactly as Devasakha had predicted. The Suparnas launched a man-hunt to capture us a week after I quit my life as an assassin. 

We evaded them for a while but we could not remain hidden for long. The reason being the outbreak of war between Suparnas and Nagas. 

We considered fleeing but we could not bring ourselves to abandon our comrades. We stood side by side and saved lives instead of taking lives by choosing opposing sides of the battlefield. 

Devasakha's father and King were furious with him. Meanwhile, my Trainer was enraged with me. He whipped me mercilessly, "How dare you betray your people for a man? Do you not have any shame or self-respect?" he screamed. 

I knelt on the ground, "Please allow me to bid farewell to my life as an assassin. I can no longer stain my hands with blood. Especially not after I learnt the joy of using these hands to save lives"

It took a lot of convincing from both of us for both the sides to agree to let us continue as  physicians. 

The war raged for nearly a month but both sides began to see the possibility of a peaceful coexistence. The war concluded in a draw between the parties at the end of the month. 

Devasakha and I insisted that peace conferences should be conducted. We sent many letters to King Suvarchas of the Suparnas and King Takshaka of the Nagas. After nearly a month of our endeavor supported by the common people on both sides. The parties agreed to talk things out in an amicable manner. 

The peace summits were scheduled to be held on a monthly basis. In the early days of the summits, there were assassination attempts from both sides which were foiled by me. 

After One Year 

Devasakha and I grew closer in the past twelve months. Our common goal played a major role in drawing us towards each other. 

We decided to make Devasakha's laboratory cave as our common residence. He taught me everything there is learn about medicine. Under his guidance, I mastered Charaka Samhita and Sushrutha Samhita. 

Earlier, I could only assist Devasakha because of my own lack of medical skills. Now, I could take up independent practice and treat the patients on my own. 

Devasakha managed to completely cure me by eliminating Halahala poison from my body. After this, we got married in a small temple in the vicinity. 

On the wedding night, we both felt a bit shy and awkward despite the fact that neither of us were amateurs. I understood that this was because it was the first time that we were with someone we loved. That night, I realized that joining of the bodies is so much sweeter when it is combined with the meeting of the souls. 

Ten Years Later 

Even after our wedding, we continued to be chairpersons to the peace summits. Devasakha took care of the diplomatic aspect and I took care of the security aspect. 

For nearly ten years, the peace conferences continued to remain tense despite our best efforts. After a decade though, we could see signs of improvement from both sides. 

Devasakha and I opened our clinic in the cave. We ensured that there was cheaper medical services for the poor. Over time, I began to specialize in medicine for women and children. When we first started that clinic, it was only the two of us. Now, we have several employees working under us. We attend patients from royalty to the least well-to-do man in both the kingdoms. 

I was convinced that I and Devasakha would live and die together at a ripe old age. If only I could have seen the future, I would have realized just how wrong I was! 

Some dissidents from the Suparna side sent an agent to kill me. They were convinced that I was the reason why Devasakha became a 'Naga lover' as they called it. That wretched assassin arrived at midnight when I was sleeping beside Devasakha. 

My assassin instincts remained strong and I woke up with a start. I wrestled my attacker to the ground and snatched the dagger from his hand. 

"Don't kill him!" shouted Devasakha and I stilled on hearing his voice. 

The assassin used the brief pause to hurl another dagger towards Devasakha. The dagger went straight through his heart, Devasakha smiled at me before he collapsed with a thud. I stabbed the assassin to his death.  

I rushed towards Devasakha and held his bleeding body in my hand, "You can't leave me. You promised! Please, don't go!"

"Kadambari" he whispered, "Promise me that you will continue to work towards peace between our communities. Vow to me that you will never go back to the path of violence. You must swear to never take vengeance for me by seeking out that assassin's employer"

"You are too cruel!" I sobbed, "How can you ask such things of me?! How can I forgive those who dared to harm you?!" 

Devasakha whispered, "If you resort to violence now, our years of hardwork will go to waste. The war between Nagas and Suparnas will start once again. You can choose to be the better person here by letting this go. I want you to ensure that everyone thinks that I died a natural death" 

I cremated Devasakha and kept my promise to him by not pursuing the men behind that assassin. For three months, I was inconsolable in my grief, I did not even step out of that cave. 

Many people, both Naga and Suparna, came home to console me. They all believed that it was a natural death because that was the story I told everyone. 

As per Devasakha's last request, I continued to work tirelessly towards a harmonious coexistence between Nagas and Suparnas. 

Present Day

I came out of my reverie while I ended the narration of my past. The boy who saved me from the crocodile, listened even as he was moved to tears. 

"I have done my duties so far. I am awaiting the day when I can join him" 

I raised my head to the sky, please, gods, let me join him soon! 

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