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A Week Later:

The Crown Prince did not visit the harem all this time. 

If it wasn't for the gossip from the palace maids, I would never have discovered the truth.

"Ssh! Be quiet!" whispered a palace maid. 

I discreetly listened from a distance, thank gods for blessing us Nagas with enhanced senses.

"Can you believe it? It is the third attempt this week!" said another.

"These Naga rebels are too bold for their own good. How dare they try to assassinate this kingdom's hero, our beloved Crown Prince?" 

A maid who recently joined, asked "What is going on here?"

"Listen" murmured a senior maid, "The Naga rebels made three attempts on the Crown Prince this week. The first attempt was by a kitchen wench who served him poisoned food when he was staying the night with the Crown Princess. The second attempt was during the emergency war council by a guard who tried to kill His Highness. The latest attempt was done by a concubine sent to his harem" 

I nearly gasped on listening to the last statement, I haven't even made my move yet?! There was another Naga woman disguised as a human concubine in the harem?

Then, I remembered that Nagas were currently being led by two factions. The first faction led by Takshaka was extremely organized and each of our plans were planned and executed. The second faction led by Karkotaka is marked by swift terror attacks and excessive violence. 

We, Takshaka's members created a clearly laid out plan to kill the Crown Prince. Karkotaka's members' impulsive actions have exposed the existence of Naga rebels amidst the Suparnas. 


Hearing this, all of us rushed back to our allotted quarters. I waited with bated breath, thankful for the shapeshifting potion which made me look like a human. 

I could hear rhythmic march of boots, doors being flung open and slammed, screams of the women in the harem. 

Finally, the soldiers arrived at my room, they entered and searched my entire room. The leader of the soldiers stood before me, "Madame, allow us to frisk you as per protocol" 

I nodded and cooperated with them to avoid suspicion. "No concealed weapons" he announced to the others. 

I sighed in relief and turned away from him.

"One moment, Madame" he said, abruptly.


"Please ingest this potion" he handed me a crystal clear potion which glimmered like crushed diamonds. 

I wanted to protest because I was worried but I knew there was no immediate way out of this. I gulped down the potion and felt as if burning hot flames were licking my body. 

"YOU! VILE NAGA WOMAN!" shouted the leader of the soldier, "How dare you?" 

It took me a moment to realize that I must have regained my original features. Just as I thought, that potion turns shapeshifters back into their real forms.


My heart sank and I inwardly cursed Karkotaka and his men for their reckless stupidity. 

I was flung onto a raised wooden dais which faced another raised platform where the King, the Crown Prince and other courtiers were seated. 

"There was another Naga concubine here before you arrived" said the Suparna King, menacingly, "She tried to resist but gave in, after my torturer peeled the skin off her."

I shuddered in horror and revulsion. 

"If you want to avoid such special treatment, I would advise you to reveal all the details now" the King warned.

As if to give me further encouragement, the huge torturer appeared next to me. He dropped something beside me with a wet plop. I looked down and realized it was bleeding snake skin. 

I nearly vomited on the spot but controlled myself with effort. The torturer grinned down at me, "Before I count to nine, you better open your mouth or else..." 

"9, 8, 7, 6" he paused to leer at me, "Want me to continue or will you speak?" 

I said nothing and the King interrupted, "I think we need to show her what happened to the other Naga rebels before her." 

The torturer gestured and chains clanked to pull up two bodies, suspended upside down. Their bodies were missing chunks of meat. They were impaled with so many arrows that they looked like porcupines.

"This is what happens to fools who continue to resist" grinned the torturer, "So, what will it be?" 

"5, 4, 3..." 

I readied my fangs inside my mouth so that I could bite the torturer with Halahala poison. 

Suddenly, there was a whoosh of wings. Someone landed next to me with a thud. Devasakha. 

"Your Majesty" Devasakha said, "Your Highness" he greeted his old friend, "Please stop treating the Naga captives in this manner. By doing this, we are planting seeds of hate in them which in turn leads to more wars. This is a never ending cycle!"  

"Devasakha" growled the King, "Have you grown soft since you became a physician? Your heroic warrior father would be so disappointed in you! You pleaded that the lives of the past three Naga rebels be spared too!" 

Devasakha stated, "I have begged for their lives to be spared but my pleas always fall on deaf ears. If Naga and Suparna keep hurting each other like this, we will never be able to end our conflict. It is time that these issues be resolved through summits and exchange of diplomats."

The King scoffed, "I don't have time for philosophy! Guards, fire the arrows at her! Move aside, Devasakha!"

The bowstrings were drawn taut and nearly thousands of arrows were released towards me. Devasakha enlarged his wings and aggressively flapped them. The subsequent rising gales of wind pushed all the arrows back towards the attackers. 

Devasakha carried me like his bride in his arms and flew higher. He flapped his wings with increasing force and rapidity. He unleashed a powerful windstorm which disarmed several attackers. 

"FIRE!" bellowed the King. 

"STOP!" roared the Crown Prince, "LET HIM GO! NO ONE HARMS MY FRIEND!" 

'"THANK YOU, DEAR FRIEND!" shouted Devasakha, "FAREWELL!" 


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