3. The first steps to heroism

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At Dagoba municipal beach park, All Might was on top of a fridge that Izuku was pulling except, he wasn't. Pulling with all his might, Izuku accidentally lost traction and fell face-first onto the floor. All Might's 560-pound self-adding to the weight of the fridge hadn't helped either.

"A nice view up here," All Might remarked "Y'know people carry these things around every day, and they don't even have super strength!"

"Well it's harder with you on top which adds an extra 600 pounds," Izuku said

"Well 560 pounds now, I've lost a bit of weight in this form at least." 

"You get the gist, why do you even have me pulling around trash anyways?" 

"HAHAHA! You're not ready for my power, take a look at yourself!" 

Hearing this, Izuku suddenly tensed up with tears comedically streaming down his cheeks

"But I thought you said I was worthy! AHHHHHHH!" He squealed as he gripped the ground in despair

"I'm talking about your weak body! This quirk is a whole lot to handle and if you wield it without being prepared, your limbs would SHOOT OFF!"

Izuku taken aback by this, shook his head to take off the thought of his limbs shooting out of his mind and concluded that pulling the trash would be like a hardcore workout for him with All Might being his trainer.

As All Might put his thumb up to confirm that Izuku's conclusion was correct, he began to explain the sad past of the beach.

"This place used to be trashed up 3 years ago from accumulation of garbage washed up on the shores which people used as an advantage to then illegally drop off their garbage onto the beach. However, one day a mysterious boy came here to clean the beach up every day until it was spotless preventing locals from dropping their garbage off on the beautiful sands of this beach. This beach was spotless every day since then until a year ago, when he suddenly stopped. Garbage accumulated on the shores and locals started dumping their garbage onto the beach again. Nobody knows who the mysterious person was and no one will ever know as he may be dead by now." All Might explained as he crushed a fridge with enough force that it caused a shockwave making trash behind him fly out of the way to reveal the horizon "You'll restore the entirety of the beach. This is the first step of your path to becoming a hero!"

Izuku, saddened by the sad outcome of the story felt determined as ever to clean the beach. However there was one problem, when All Might meant the whole beach, there was no exaggeration in that statement.

"H-How am I meant to clear up so much trash!?" Izuku exclaimed hopelessly

"Young Midoriya, UA is your dream school right?"

"Y-yeah, you went there so it's the best school to go to when becoming a hero right?"

"I love the spirit fanboy! But, being a hero isn't so easy without a quirk, and UA has the hardest hero course to get into! You know what that means."

"That I need to be prepared fast! The UA exam is in ten months!"

"CORRECT and I have that covered for you on this sheet! It includes your workout routine and every other aspect of your life!"

"It even includes my sleep schedule!"

"If I'm being very honest, these next 10 months will be excruciating for you! think you're up for it?"

"W-what choice do I have? I've got to work harder than anyone else to get in right?"

All Might put his thumbs up indicating the start of the worst 10 months of Izuku's life.

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