2 | ❝Tidal Waves❞ - Yuma

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✎ ii. tidal waves

"You know, you're not supposed to be here

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"You know, you're not supposed to be here." You spoke out, still focusing on running a comb through your hair. Your voice echoed against the alcove, startling the boy who was clambering on the rocks overhead.

No matter how many times Yuma came to see you, he would never get used to you identifying his presence before he could even see where you were. He could smell you, of course. His nose had always been one of the sharpest, and it could easily pick up on the gentle, sweet scent of vanilla against the salty seafoam. But navigating the sharp unpredictable sea rocks to actually get to you, that too, in the dark, was a challenge.

You couldn't smell him, but you already knew from the sound of his footsteps— they were loud and clumsy, and he couldn't hide the paw-like temper of them even in his human form.

He was the complete opposite of you. You, as a sea nymph, were graceful and delicate, passing through the waters as if you were a mere shimmer in the waves. The way you glimmered in the moonlight was a sight that took Yuma's breath away.

Yuma was a werewolf, though he possessed more gentle qualities of one. You didn't find him fierce or frightening, even the times he tried his best to look dangerous. He was playful and boyish and his clumsiness was endearing to you. He once showed you how sharp his claws were, but when you asked him to fully extend them, he refused, too worried he would accidentally hurt you. It was these moments of gentleness that set him apart from the other werewolves you had encountered.

The thought of a sea nymph and a werewolf being companionable in any sense of the word was unheard of. The long history of both clans hadn't been friendly. There was no direct conflict between the two, but the sea nymphs had often aided the vampires in past wars. As far as the werewolves were concerned, the sea nymphs were allies of the vampires, and by connection, not a group that they would associate with.

But Yuma was a rebel by nature. What were rules if not to break them, right? A late night adventure had taken him through an unfamiliar forest and to the seaside, face to face with the most beautiful creature he had ever seen.

"No one needs to-" His sentence was abruptly cut off as he slipped on a less-than-secure foothold, tumbling down the rest of the rocks and splashing into the water. You laughed at his clumsy fall before swimming closer to make sure he was okay.

"You'd think after using that route over 30 times, you'd get the hang of the slippery rocks..." You mumbled under your breath with a smile, "You okay?"

The boy nodded, shaking off some of the water once he got back onto a rock. You stayed in the water, resting your arms on the rock next to him and your head on top of your arms, just staring at him for a few seconds. You thought you were being slick, but Yuma seemed to catch onto your staring almost immediately.

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