1 | ❝Dove❞ - Harua

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✎ i. dove


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Harua was born very sick. He had a hereditary heart condition— the same as his mother. Hearing the news of his condition a few hours after his birth, his father decided that he was too fragile to take on the role of a prince, so he was kept hidden from the world.

From that moment on, Harua was never allowed outside unsupervised. He was confined inside the castle where the palace nurses could make sure he was safe 24 hours a day. Whenever he went outside, he was accompanied by his mother and 2 nurses. They were all paranoid that his heart might stop at any minute.

Harua never felt as fragile as they told him he was.

His mother often took him to the beach when he was little as the doctors said the seabreeze was good for him. Harua loved everything about the beach. He loved the shells that he found on the shore, how they twisted and spiralled into different colours. He loved the waves, their constant push and pull towards the shore and towards his feet. He loved how the sand felt between his toes, how soft and smooth it was. He loved how he could build little castles with the sand depending on how much water he added.

But, most of all, he loved the girl who found the shells, raced against the waves, walked along the shore, and built castles with him. He loved the girl who made him feel normal. No mentions of being royalty. No mentions of his weak heart. You made him feel at ease, even as a little child.

You were always on the beach whenever Harua came, and he used to come almost every day. It didn't matter what you were doing with him, any time spent with Harua was precious to you.

When Harua was 12, his mother died of her heart condition. Her sudden death caused such a stir in the kingdom, that the palace almost completely shut down. The king fell into a depression, having lost his precious wife. He spent most of the day by her grave and did not speak to Harua or anyone else in the castle.

Without his mother to accompany him, Harua was no longer allowed to go off the castle grounds. He was able to access the gardens and the little patch of woods where wild mushrooms and forest creatures dwelled, but he could not go to the sea.

He could not see you.

It wasn't just the king that seemed sorrowed by the queen's passing, even Harua's nurses and maids who he had become good friends with barely spoke a word to him anymore. It was like everyone had forgotten his existence, trying to keep the kingdom alive with the king almost completely isolating himself from society.

Harua missed the balls and the laughter. He missed seeing his mother in pretty dresses and dancing with princesses. He missed the palace he once knew— the palace that was alive. But nothing could compare to how much he missed you.

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