Chapter 16: Confrontation

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The words he uttered rang in my ears and I felt a sudden freeze of incredulity as the reality of the situation struck me.

I pushed him hard and said, "Don't you ever try to utter those words to Matty. He is kind not like you!" I shouted at him.

I don't want to listen to your lies, leave me here, get me out of here!" I slap his wide chest many times but he doesn't hurt at all he even brings my body closer to him.

"I will be forced to take you far away," He said in a low and rough voice.

"Oliver, take her to the jet plane." He calls somebody at the outside. Suddenly the man headed toward us and directly lifted and carried me in his broad shoulder. I'm struggling I even punched the back of the man who carried me but my strength is not enough.

"Let me go!" I shouted.

They successfully brought me to the jet plane and immediately tied me up.

"Please Liam don't do this to me. I want to go home. I beg you... please, let me go." I pleaded.

"You have to understand. I can't lose you anymore. Stay with me."

"How can I stay with you if you treat me like this?" I shouted.

"I'm sorry."

He left in front of me and I just realized that the plane was moving. He did keep me away from this place.


I felt a little nudging at my shoulder. I just woke up in a bright room. With my blurry sight, I got up and saw a masculine man standing in front of me. When my sight was cleared, I realized that it was Liam. He has no upper clothes on, exposing his six-pack abs. He is so hot but dangerous.

"What are you doing here? Get out!" I yelled.

"I'm staying here. I will sleep here." He spoke.

"No! Get out of here, or else-"

"Or else what? You can't do anything. Whether you like it or not, I will sleep here." He spoke through his manly deep voice.

I threw the pillow at him, and he immediately caught it with his one hand.

He lay down on a sofa bed at the window. He began to close his eyes and said, " Goodnight, Sam, and don't ever cross the line. I warned you."

A few moments passed and I waited for him to fall asleep. I slowly got up from the bed and when I touched the door I twisted the knob directly and immediately went out.

When I got away from that mansion I immediately asked for help.

"Somebody can help me!!!" I shouted in the middle of the evening.

I saw someone and immediately approached him. "Please help me, someone kidnapped me. I'm in danger."

"Where are you going, Sam?"

I heard his voice from my back. My eyes wide open and I ran from him.

"You can't escape from me, Sam." His voice became angry and he chased after me. He quickly caught up with me and he lifted me.

"Let me go!" I said while I was struggling on his shoulder.

When we entered the mansion he directly threw me at the sofa.

"I trust Matty more than you!" I said full of wrath. "Matty doesn't hurt me," I added.

I got up and walked away from him. When I turned my back on him. He spoke, "However, the person you trust is the one who harms your loved ones. I experienced his cruelness just to protect you from any dangered he might do to you." He explained.

"And why would he do that to me? I've known him for a long time." I said in a low tone voice.

Sam, you mean a lot to me I can't forgive myself if something bad happens to you that's why I left you and broke for your fucking safety. I left you immediately without answering your questions, 'cause it hurts me more when I see you fragile and that is my f*cking weakness, Sam! The enemy knew it and they used it against me to make me a coward. They know how much I loved you, Sam. They know every detail of my life even my happiness they took it in just seconds and ruined it. It's funny, right? A billionaire who makes everyone tremble in fear just by looking at me is a real coward. I'm a coward when it comes to you. A man who's scared to lose his girl. " He spoke as tears welled upon in his cheeks.

"Do you think, I will believe you? 'Cause this past ten months all you can do is hurt me, and by the way where is your fiancee?" I said with a fake smile plastered on my face.

"He is not my fiancee," He said his voice becoming deep. "All of that was just a damn act. It is part of his plan to make you believe that I hurt you, but all of that was against my will." He added.

"Why do you have to do all that?"

"It is because of you!"

" So, it's my fault?


"This is enough!" I said.

"I'm just protecting you and your family. He threatened me, that if I didn't stay away from you he would do something bad to your family -
something that will ruin your life and I don't want this to happen to you."

"He loved me and he can't do that " I spoke through my gritted teeth.

"Yeah, you're right. He loves you but Matty's heart is full of hatred because he knows you will still choose me so he used his power to make you his mine. He doesn't want to lose his claim on you because before when we were in high school I always won in everything including sports
and you chose me too. He envies everything."

"That's why it seemed like there was something different about him when you talked to me once. So he doesn't want me to know the truth? Is that so?"

"Yeah, according to him, he will also destroy your parents' business as well as mine. I don't want you to suffer because I know your parents worked hard to build a business. He can do everything because he is the son of a mafia boss here in Paris. He soon inherited all the positions of his father. He is the heir. That's why I sacrificed, it hurts and it's hard. Every time I see you together there is something pierced in my heart."

"I don't know much about him. This is all true, Liam?

"Please trust me." He pleaded while kneeling in front of me.

I can see in his eyes that he is telling the truth. Something touched my heart when he begged me.

And why did you come back?" I asked.

"Because I have matched his power I worked so hard for this time to come. So now, I possess the real intimidating Liam who will make everyone tremble in fear." He said.

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