Chapter 15: It's His Faults

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Samantha's POV

I was in high school when I met him for the first time. He is good at everything, he is my competitor when it comes to academics. He is handsome, it's no secret that many girls on our campus like him or should I say his smile can drop the panty of a girl who is very wild about him.

But one thing I don't like about him is his very intimidating look but when I got to know him completely it was the opposite of what I thought and what others thought about him. He was a kind gentleman. When it comes to sports, he always wins against Matty
When I was with Matty, he always complained that he always failed to defeat the new transferee, I just laughed at him at that moment in our life.

But now it's a chaos between us. Since we parted ways. It took me so long to get over him. I almost destroyed my life because of that stupid love that didn't reciprocate the love I gave. I'm like trash that's been thrown somewhere. I chased and cried because of my love for him.
Those days that I felt unwanted by him, it hurt.

I must be thankful to Matty that he helped me to focus on my career than love. I kept myself busy in Matty's company until the wound of my heart slowly healed and I felt that it was okay to be with myself, choosing myself over anyone else without thinking about anything or anyone.

How ridiculous that he came back and stole me from Matty at the parking lot. I thought after what he did to me he would let me go but he didn't.

I don't know where I am, all I know is I was with Matty yesterday. Cheerfully giggled at his joke but now it was like a storm that destroyed my whole life again and again.

One thing is for sure, I have still feelings for him when I saw him yesterday before this tragedy happened now.

I am in a place where only the humming sounds of birds can be heard outside throughout this location. A huge space with only the rays of the moon can illuminate this dark room that comes from a small hole in the roof.

Sitting here in the corner, tightly tied to this chair with this piece of clothing covered over my mouth to prevent me from making noise.
I was trying to remove the leash from my hand, but my strength was not enough for me to escape.

My eyes grew wide open when somebody interrupted my struggle - my adrenaline rush when a masculine man standing right in front of me. I looked up to see who it was but only a glimpse of his deep brown eyes illuminated by the light.

How did he end up in front of me without even me noticing that he was coming?

And suddenly I felt a warm heavy breath in the crook of my neck saying, "Attempting to escape honey?" He said in a sexy husky voice. "You can't do that 'cause you're all mine again." Just mine!" He emphasized the word mine as if he hadn't done anything bad to me yet his sexy voice seemed to fill my lost energy and I wanted him to utter more words 'cause they could easily catch me in an instant.

But a little embarrassment took over me and I came back to my lost sanity when he spoke again. "No one would dare to steal you from me, if somebody would do that he would be living a hell in a lifetime." He grumbled.

I couldn't even speak one word because of what he was saying but instead, I narrowed my brow because of confusion.

Instantly, the entire space was filled with lights and a mischievous grin greeted me so well that plastered on his face everything came back in one blink. Letting the darkness consume me once more.

What is your purpose, why did you put me in this state? I thought you would let me go after what you've done to me in the elevator but you locked me here. You brute!" I said with gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry."

"Your sorry means nothing to me now. Just let me go and live happily with my life. I don't want you anymore!" I said full of wrath while catching my breath.

"I don't want to lose you again, Sam. I had suffered a lot these past ten months. Can you please stay with me and I'll fix the mistakes I made to you. Just give me another chance." He begs while dropping his knees in front of me.

The Liam I saw earlier is different from now. He is begging for another chance.

How could you do this to me? I said in a husky voice.

"I'm sorry. I will remove the leash from your hand, but you promised to stay with me."

"Yeah, I promised."

He slowly untied me. It's time to get out of here, I'm sure Matty is looking for me by now. After he released me I instantly kicked his balls causing him to fall under his knees in pain and I quickly ran to the only door I saw in this room. When I got in I quickly locked the door but when I looked in front of me it was just a room full of our pictures.

"What is the meaning of this?" I whispered.

Then a single tear escaped from my eye and I fell to my knees in confusion and pain that I had been feeling at this certain moment.

"Sam?" I heard my name called upon him.

"Don't you ever come in here!" I said as my voice became deep.

The knob twisted but the lock doesn't authorize him to go further.

"Open this door, Sam." He demands.

"No, you stay there."

Quietness prevailed for a moment and I thought he do what I'm asking for and left but I was wrong, the knob twisted again. He used his key to unlock the door then the door turned open.

"Don't come in here, stay away from me!"

He didn't respond and immediately hugged me tightly, pulling me closer to his body.

"What's going on, Liam? I am so confused." I spoke under my breath.

He still didn't speak and he buried me in his chest and gently stroked my hair from the back.

"What the heck! You have to tell me everything to enlighten me. What are you trying to imply? We can't fix this if you don't say anything." I said.

"Your childhood best friend, Matthew Sanchez - it's all his fault.

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