Chapter 13: Choosing Me

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Samantha's  POV

Sitting in the front of a yacht and sailing towards the sea, one of the most beautiful yachts that my father owned. As the boat drifts out slowly the sun also begins to set in its magnificent look. I stood leaning over the taffrail, looking at the calm sea below with my gloomy eyes.

The mild strong wind is threatening around the sea 'causing my hair to be blown by the wind. My heart aches when I realize that I was just wasting my time chasing the man who once thought that he loved me very much.

I breathed, closing my eyes to calm down and accept the things I cannot change.

My eyes become so dark as I remember our memories which now cannot be returned. The uneasiness was all over this place as I held tight against the railing.

I recalled when we were happy not minding the world. The two of us were just minding our happy world, laughing at each other until our stomach hurt. That was the day when we were so in love. Promising not to leave each other and meet at the front at the altar. But all of those vanished like the forming fog that also disappeared immediately.

A tear rolled down my cheek as I sobbed. My cell phone rang, I took it out of my pocket and cleared my throat before tapping the answer button.


:Where are you?

: I was just giving myself peace here in our yacht, why?

: Yeah, I'll come

: Where are you? I'll just pick you up

: At my favorite spot.

The call ended, and I checked the time on my wristwatch. I drove the yacht towards the seashore as I looked back at the setting sun. I shifted my head to the front and convinced myself, "I'll be fine. Tomorrow will be my first day of choosing myself."


"Thank you for delivering my daughter safely, Matty." My dad said.

"Yes, Tito." Many said with his head now down.

"Have you eaten?"

"It's okay, I'll be going now,"

"You should join us, my wife cooked delicious food, you should taste it."

"Matty, don't say no to my father," I said with my brow lifted.

They chuckled at me and Matty agreed.

Matty suddenly spoke in the middle of our dinner. "If you agree, I would like Samantha to transfer work to my company where she can focus well." He enunciated while looking at me.

"But why? I'm okay with my work."

"No Samantha, your action said otherwise. I know you're hurting especially now that Liam has his fiance."

"How did you know?"

"Ah-ahm your friends told me. So please." He said in a pleading voice.

"I'll think about it."

" Princess, you should take what Matty offers to you. It might be a great experience to work with your childhood best friend. Daddy said with a soft smile gracing his lips.

"Yeah, your Daddy is right." Mom added as she held my hand.

"Mom, Dad if that is your great decision for me. I'll go with it."

"Great," Matty said happily while clapping his hand once.

"I'll fix it tomorrow so I can move in right away in your company."


"Samantha Jones moved out from your company." I stood as I stood at the front of the Archer Corporation building.

I stepped in Matty's car and he started the ignition of his car. He drives it as a big smile beaming on his lips.

"Why are you smiling like that?"

"I'm so happy that after all these past few years of being separated, we were just now as close as I expected. I will hold your hand and not leave you anymore." He declared.

I just smiled at his words were jus
cheerfully went to his company.


Third Person POV,

Ten months later, Samantha is one of the most famous fashion designers around Paris with the help of Matty his best friend. She succeeded in her career without hindrance, and she can say that the pain in her past was slowly healed.

A group of reporters surrounded them accompanied by flashed cameras with their curious questions.

"Are you two dating?"

The two just smiled at them while Matty's hand was holding Samantha's hips.

"Ms. Jones, how did you achieve all this?"

"It's about my determination to pursue my dream." She said,

" There's a rumor that Matthew Sanchez is courting with you? Is it true?" If that happens I will be happy for both of you. The two of you were an ideal couple." Right?

"Yeah!" Reporters yelled.

They stepped into the car and were surrounded by their bodyguards. The next morning the news about the two was booming around Paris. Samantha Jones gained popularity and wealth. She is extremely different from the old Samantha.

"Are you happy now?" Matty spoke in a soft tune of his voice.

"Yeah, thank you for helping me. This means so much to me. You're a great best friend."

"Soon to be your husband if I proposed to you."

Samantha chuckled at Matty's words.

Why are you always laughing at me whenever I say those sweet words?

"You're just making me happy."

"I'm starving. Can we eat?" Samantha Spoke like a baby to Matty.

"Where do you want to eat?"

"Still there at our favorite restaurant."

"Jake, did you hear my soon-to-be wife?"

" Yes, sir."

They went straight to the restaurant and ordered food immediately. They eat cheerful moments while Samantha listens to Matthew's stories which makes her delighted. Everything went well in Samantha's life, nothing hurts and the wound of the past is gradually healing.

In between the good ambiance at the restaurant, there's a man who wants to speak with Samantha.

"Ma'am sorry for the interruption, a man is waiting for you outside. It's an important matter to speak with you." Said Jake, the bodyguard.

"I will come with you," Matty said.

"No, you just stay here. I can handle this, and keep an eye on the food I'm going to eat again."

"Okay," Matty spoke.

Samantha got out of the restaurant led by the bodyguard.

"Where's the man?" She asked


Samantha approached the man with his back. "Hi, do you want to speak with me?"

"Yeah, long time no see Sam." The man spoke as he faced her.

A pain was visible on her face filling a void in her heart. Making her feel the uneasiness surrounding her body that could make her weak and weaker.

It is her past coming back like a blink of thunder roaming inside her.

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