Thats a mansion, Fred

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The group walked through the streets, shivering and wet.
Honey Lemon: Where are we?
Fred then turned and walked towards a mansion.
Hiro: Fred, where are you going?
Fred: Ohh, welcome to mi casa, that's french for front door.
Honey Lemon: It's really not.
Y/n: Fred...that's Spanish, for "my house", not "my front door".
Hiro: You speak spanish?
Y/n: No, I've just picked some things up and used the knowledge I have about the language and how it sounds to figure out that A) Fred got the wrong language and B) I know Casa means house, not front door, and Mi means my, basic deduction skills my dear friend.
Gogo: Listen nitwit, A lunatic in a mask just tried to kill us, I'm not in the food for any-
A man in a well-dressed suit then opened the door and walked out.
Heathcliff: Welcome home, Master Fredrickson.
Fred: Heathcliff, my man! Come on in guys , we'll be safe in here. Give me some!
Heathcliff gave Fred A fistbump, the rest of the group followed him and to his room.
Honey Lemon: Freddy, this is your house?
Gogo: I thought you lived under a bridge.
Y/n: I thought he lived in a pile of comics.
Fred: Well, technically it's my parents house, they're on a vacay at the family island, we should totally go sometime, frolic.
Fred then clapped and the doors to his room opened, Y/n immediately regretted looking inside.
Gogo: You gotta be kidding me.
Wasabi: If I wasn't just attacked by a guy in a kabuki mask, this would be the weirdest thing I've seen today.
Y/n: My brain hates my eyes for seeing this.
Hiro went over to a table and started drawing.
Baymax: your body temperature is still low.
Hiro: Yea, uh-huh.
Baymax used a built-in heater to warm him up.
Fred ran over and jumped onto Baymax for warmth, soon the others joined in, with Y/n laying on top of Baymax's back.
Fred: It's like spooning a warm marshmallow.
Honey Lemon: It's so nice.
Wasabi: Ah yea, that's toasty.
Gogo: Good robot.
Hiro: Does this symbol mean anything to you guys?

Fred: Yes! It's a bird!Hiro: No, the guy in the mask was carrying something with this symbol on it

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Fred: Yes! It's a bird!
Hiro: No, the guy in the mask was carrying something with this symbol on it.
Baymax: Apprehending the man in the mask will improve Hiro's emotional state.
Gogo: Apprehend him? We don't even know who he is.
Fred: I have a theory
Fred then sat everyone on the couch and handed them comic books.
Wasabi: Dr. Slaughter MD?
Fred: Actually millionaire weapons designer Malcom Jaisoltick.
Hiro: The Annihilator?
Fred: Behind the mask, industrialist, Reed Axeworthy.
Y/n: Baron Von Destruct? That name's pretty on the nos-
Gogo: Just get to the point!
Fred: Don't you guys get it? The man in the mask who attacked us is none other than Voila! Alister Krei.
Hiro: What?
Fred: Think about it, Krei wanted your microbots, and you said no, rules don't apply to a man like Krei.
Hiro: There's no way, he's too high-profile.
Honey Lemon: Then who was that guy in the mask?
Hiro: I don't know, We don't know anything about him.
Baymax: His blood type is AB negative, cholesterol levels-
Hiro: Baymax, you scanned him?
Baymax: I am programmed to assess everyone's healthcare needs.
Hiro: Yes! I can use the data from your scan to find him!
Gogo: Uh, you'd have to scan everyone in San Fransokyo, and that might take, I don't know, forever?
Hiro: No, no no no, I just need to scan the entire city at the same time, I just need to upgrade Baymax's fact, if we're going to catch this guy, I need to upgrade ALL of you.
Y/n: Come again?
Wasabi: Upgrade who now?
Baymax: Those who suffer a loss require support from friends and loved ones.
Fred: Okay, I like where this is going!
Wasabi: We can't go against that guy, we're nerds!
Honey Lemon: Hiro, we want to help, but we're just, us.
Hiro: No, you can be way more.
Gogo: Tadashi Hamada was our best friend, we're in.
Fred: Can you feel it? You guys feel this? Our origin story begins, we're gonna be superheroes!

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