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(Suuuuuuuuper sorry this one is shorter. I've been stressing more lately sorry. Luckily my Math counts/NJHS/german teacher had noticed and is going a bit easier on me. BRO I ALSO FORGOT THAT YESTERDAY I DREW NOOSES ON MY GERMAN FOLDER SO TODAY IN GERMAN CLASS MY FRIEND WALKED UP AND ASKED "Is that a noose?" and I was like "no it's an ornament" and PROCEEDED TO TURN IT INTO A ORNAMENT. She was just like, "So you got a noose then?" and I was like no and we kept joking around till the teacher came back so yay! Anyway here's the new part!!!! ENJOY!!!!!)

Atsushi: Wtf is going on!?

Chuuya: We left you and Akutagawa alone for five minutes!

*Akutagawa has ornaments hanging on his sleeves, a star on his head, lights all over his body, two branches in his hand, and a train going around him.*

Dazai: Big mistake on your part really

*Dazai shrugs*


Atsushi: Hey we're having fish tonight!

Akutagawa: But Dazai-san said we were having boiled water

Atsushi: Well we aren't having boiled water- Why would he even say that????

Akutagawa: but Dazai-san said we were

Atsushi: Well if Dazai-san told you to kill yourself would you?

*Akutagawa goes silent*


Akutagawa: Well uh... it would depend!

Atsushi: Don't kill yourself!

Akutagawa: I wasn't planning on it Jinko.....

Atsushi: But if Dazai-san told you too you would?

*Akutagawa goes silent again*

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