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It won't fucking show but this is for you EzrazzelDazzle!!

Chuuya, looking at a picture of the Sheep and Flags: One taught me love

Chuuya, looking at the Port Mafia: One taught me loyalty

Chuuya, looking at Akutagawa being told to eat a Tide Pod by Dazai and Atsushi nervously watching it all, and sighs: One taught me that people are FUCKING STUPID NOW DAZAI STOP TELLING AKUTAGAWA TO EAT THAT SHIT! ATSUSHI STOP AKUTAGAWA AND AKUTAGAWA YOU BETTER PUT THAT BITCH DOWN OR SO HELP ME-


Akutagawa, Dazai, and Atsushi are all sitting in front of a very disappointed Chuuya.

Chuuya: I hope you have all learnt your FUCKING lesson.

Atsushi: I'm still very sorry again Chuuya-san!

Chuuya, looks at Atsushi: Don't worry you behaved the best I'm proud.

Akutagawa: I won't try to eat a Tide Pod again Chuuya-san....

Chuuya nods: You better not

Chuuya looks at Dazai: What do YOU have to say for yourself you mackerel!

Dazai: I'll convince Akutagawa to eat more than one Tide Pod next time😔

Chuuya: NO-


The next day-

Akutagawa, calling Chuuya: Hey Chuuya-san, I don't mean to bother or distract you or anything. I just wanted to know if you had any free time or anything. If you don't, that's ok. I just ate a plastic bag full of Tide Pods because Dazai-san told me to, it's really nothing important. If you are busy you can find me sitting down in an alleyway by the laundromat where Dazai-san took the Tide Pods from.

Chuuya, who was in the middle of fighting some dude but just shot him instead and is already walking to where Akutagawa said he was: YOU WHAT!? YOU NEED TO GET TO A HOSPITAL I'M HEADING YOUR FUCKING WAY-

Words: 271

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