Casey (Cassidy) Solfren

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Cassidy was born to a Baraset father and a human mother making her a shapeshifter. She always hated what she was, especially when she was practically abandoned by her parents. She spent most of her time on the streets, often deciding to not have arms so people passing by could feel sorry for her. She learned the art of manipulation at a young age, not that she was proud of it, but it came in handy when she was starving. Though, despite all of that, nobody wanted to take her in. While people who saw her everyday kept saying that they would take her in eventually, they never did. All of that led to her having a hard time trusting people. That was until she met one person.

When she was only seven (7), she came across a man who looked to be in his early twenties. She was hesitant when he opened his arms to her, but she had nowhere else to go. So she let him embrace her and take her to his home. Of course she was scared, she had just let a stranger pick her up and take her to his home. Though, she didn't show her fear on her face. The man had asked her what her name was, and so she answered. "Cassidy..." She refused to say her last name. She didn't want to be affiliated with the parents that left her in any way whatsoever. The man responded with his name. Damian Solfren.

This man didn't seem like a threat whatsoever, so she stayed with him and learned more about him. When she was nine (9) she revealed to him that she was a shapeshifter. She was expecting to be kicked out, but was met with a pleasant surprise instead. She had found out that Damian wasn't human either. He was a vampire. She didn't know much about the different species in Senfri, but it still interested her. The fact that he wasn't bothered by her shifting, she decided to give herself arms. Sure, Damian got her prosthetic arms, but he didn't mind if she only wanted to use them occasionally. Life went smoothly for once, though Damian noticed how she didn't go out at all. He was concerned for her, so after quite a bit of convincing, she eventually went out with him. She never called him father or anything, so she saw this as simply going out with a friend. As they were having a nice day together, anytime Casey spared a glance to a flower, it wilted, to a child, they cried. She didn't understand why. People didn't seem to want to approach her. She was only twelve (12), why would people and objects not like her?

When they got home, Casey spent a few hours looking at herself in the mirror. She wanted to know what was wrong with her face. Was she not cute? Or was she just unapproachable? Looking in the mirror became a monthly habit. She would always look in the mirror to figure out what was wrong with her. Why was she unapproachable? Why did kids cry when they looked at her? Why do flowers wilt when she spares even a glance at it. She did this for seven (7) years. Damian didn't know that she was doing this because she was in her room and he was almost always at work. When Damian finally figured out what was happening, Casey was nineteen (19) and she was on the verge of committing. So of course Damian was in panic. He didn't want his only daughter to be hurt. She was the only family he had, Damian was the only family she had. She knew that he had work, but it was hard. It was hard to keep it together when she knew that the world, or at least, the people in Senfri were all against her. When she applied for jobs, she got rejected even if she was the perfect fit for the job. No one wanted to hire a shapeshifter. They would rather hire an inexperienced species rather than a shapeshifter. This made Casey fall deeper into the hole she dug for herself.

Damian stopped her from committing, and they had a bit of a rough patch for a moment, but everything was all well. Casey eventually got a job, but she was working for Damian at his hair salon, not her job of choice, but it was the only place that would hire her just because Damian is the person that's in charge of interviewing applicants. Despite not really wanting this job in specific, she thoroughly enjoyed working there. She also got to work with her father. The man that saved her as a kid. She would never openly admit that she thought of Damian as her father, but she really does. Casey is still a very closed off person, they don't do well outdoors because of things that happen. So she decided that she'd always wear a mask outdoors. Damian didn't make her work everyday, and gave her a steady pay. She spent most of the days she wasn't working in her room and watched kids cartoons while drinking hot chocolate.

The first time she was handed alcohol was at a bar at a party when she was twenty-one (21). The hair salon was celebrating Casey's twenty-first birthday. So of course they took her to a bar. Damian was going to be the designated driver for everyone, so everything was fine. When Casey tried the alcohol, it was spiked lemonade. She enjoyed lemonade, so this was a pleasant surprise for her. She had about four of those drinks, not a good idea, but it was her birthday. So it didn't matter anyway. However, that morning after, she felt miserable. Damian had warned her not to drink that much, but she didn't really listen. She did it anyway, and she was not enjoying the hangover. She said she wouldn't touch alcohol again, but she definitely would accept some if it was offered to her. Besides, it's the polite thing to do. Or, at least, that's what she thinks.

Casey still works for Damian today. She's a bit sarcastic, not very empathetic, and can be manipulative if she so pleases. Though under this tough, rough exterior, she's a bit sensitive. She doesn't cry often, but she has her moments of weakness, they hate those moments though. Casey doesn't enjoy being "weak" in front of others. To ignore or cope with these emotions, she'll watch kids cartoons. They're mindless fun, she doesn't have to think when she watches them. Casey enjoys history, but claims to hear what has happened in the past. Just hearing anything like that scares her, makes her fearful. She can't help it. Casey has some other qualities about her, like the fact that she's greyromantic, she experiences romantic attraction sometimes, not very often. Though, she tends to believe that she hasn't found the right person yet or she's just aromantic. I'd wager that she just hasn't met the right person yet. That's Casey Solfren.

 That's Casey Solfren

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