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A Baraset is an ancient species that dates back to the Cenzoic Era. Some could argue even the time of the dinosaurs. Barasets are a shapeshifting species that thrives on animal meat. Most of the time, in more recent eras, that meat has been human meat. Barasets need this meat to survive, but some choose an alternative. Whatever this alternative is, it will stunt their growth.

At this current moment in time, if not all, most of the Baraset population is believed to be extinct. The reason they are thought to be extinct is because one day, the humans and everything else that looked human noticed that they hadn't lost anyone in the past few days. So rightfully so, they thought they were dead. Which isn't necessarily the case, but a lot of the population is gone.

Barasets can live up to about five hundred (500) years old before going feral and braindead. Those Barasets are known as Lurkers. Lurkers either live for eternity or they are exterminated by other Barasets or another species. Nothing stops a Lurker from attacking another Baraset, so that is why most Barasets are executed before they turn into a Lurker. The signs of turning into a Lurker are quite obvious. The signs are unintelligible speaking, isolation, and a constant hunger for anything. And I mean anything. They would definitely go as far as attacking another Baraset just to try to cure its hunger, but that won't work. No matter how much a Lurker eats, it will always have a constant hunger for anything. Sure, Barasets naturally hunt humans for food, but at least they aren't constantly going after humans like Lurkers would be.

Barasets, in their monster-like form, are undoubtedly dense. So it's almost like any form that they take on has its own intelligence. Most of the time when a Baraset takes on a human form, they will have a very high intelligence. Why? Who knows. It just happens like that. Barasets are also an adaptable species. It's very easy for them to get acclimated to their certain surroundings because they can just shift into an animal that lives in these conditions.

Barasets can be as strong as an elephant, maybe even stronger than that. They also have about the same bite force as a lion, maybe more if the Baraset is older. All of this only applies to Barasets in their true form. It also only applies to Barasets that are on a strict human diet. So Barasets that eat alternatives will be weaker than a regular Baraset. The human meat is what makes a Baraset stronger, so if a Baraset doesn't often eat human meat, then they will be significantly weaker than your average Baraset. It is also important to mention that Barasets have two stomachs.

The way Barasets reproduce is very interesting. It's definitely not strange to be into the same gender. The only problem that people don't know of, Barasets, in their true form, have no way of reproducing. So Barasets have to shift into a different creature to be able to procreate. In more recent times, most shift into humans or humanoids. Barasets, not really having a set gender, can be whatever gender they want to be. There's really no limit. Most decide what their gender is based on the gender of the first creature they shift into. Despite this, Barasets can still change their gender after the fact if they so please. This plays into how they reproduce due to the fact of how some Barasets fall in love with the same gender. If you put two and two together, you'll understand how they reproduce. Depending on the creature they choose, then the Baraset that is great with child will take on the pregnancy of that type of creature. So if a Baraset chooses a human, then they will go through a regular human pregnancy.

Lurkers are more of a threat than Barasets, given the fact a Lurker is a Baraset that has lost its sense of self and is forever stuck in its true form. Though, people don't know what a Lurker is, they just see it as any other Baraset, because most see them as brainless monsters. Sure, people know that they can shift into very intelligent creatures, but they don't really seem to care, so people still decide to say that Barasets are brainless, emotionless, and heartless monsters. Even if that's not what a Baraset is, the general public will do anything to make it seem like Barasets are always in the wrong. They don't hate other species that thrive on human meat or human sacrifices. A Baraset has emotions like any other creature, that's why they fight for their life and will kill for their safety, at that point, it doesn't matter if they eat the people trying to kill them, they still need to protect themselves.

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