The City and Who Runs It

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Senfri is a great place to live. It's very accepting of all species. Elf's are welcome, blood suckers, anyone. No crime. No problems. No trouble. But is that really the case? Yes and no. That's what everyone on the outside thinks. Sure, reduced crime, reduced everything. So people on the outside are tricked into believing that it's some sort of Utopia. But they live on the outside for a reason. It's not that they can't afford to live there. It's that the city's enforcements will not let them in. Why? Because they are contaminated. Not really. That's just what the supreme guardian told everyone.

The supreme guardian is a lady who's name is believed to be Lilith. Nobody knows what she looks like, nor do they know what she sounds like. The guards just blindly follow her orders. Who is the one directing the guards then? Why the supreme guardian's right hand woman, Cecilia Venn. Cecilia gets the instructions from Lilith and then takes them to the guards. Why does Cecilia do Lilith's bidding? Well, no one knows. They believe it's only because she's Lilith's right hand. But is it? Some have speculated that Cecilia is the real Supreme Guardian while Lilith could be a distant voice speaking to her and telling her what she should do. And those people wouldn't be incorrect, but if they were to ever openly talk about it, they would be deemed a conspiracist and sent to a mental institution. Any Sunrise Knight that believes the "theories" will be taken to a place under the Supreme institute and will have their memory of the theories erased, brainwashed. They will return to their position as a Knight and this could become a cycle.

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