7.Better Than Revenge

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Chapter 7: Better Than Revenge

The next day two girls I had come to know as Veronica and Cleo came and sat down next to us, already in the middle of a conversation. Veronica had US. History and Chemistry with me and Cleo was in History with both of us as well. The teachers always yelled at Cleo for being a bad influence on Victoria for talking to her during class.

"I still can't believe that bitch would steal him from you," Cleo said. "You guys are the perfect couple, and I wouldn't be surprised if you find out that you were meant to be together- if you know what I mean. And if that does happen, that bitch is gonna regret the day she crossed your path."

"I know right? I can't believe she had the guts. We were soo happy together." I wasn't sure who Veronica's ex was, but apparently it was a big deal. "I mean the more surprising thing is that he actually fell for her. I can not believe her. But I found the perrfect," she practically purred, "song to sing instead of what we were practicing."

"What?" Cleo asked.

"They've been practicing for a talent contest at the Steam for months. But Caroline was in the band with them; they're changing the song so she couldn't blab about what they were playing." Rachel whispered to me.

"Damn straight," Cleo chimed in, "some reliable friend she is. She stole her boyfriend, who knows what else she'll do. That girl is unpredictable. Isn't that right Veronica?"

We all looked over, but Veronica wasn't paying any attention to us anymore. The sad look on her face told legions about the person she was looking at: Blaire; the man in question. His arm was lazily slung over a skinny blond cheerleader-type girl- Caroline, I assumed. "He never did that with me." I almost didn't hear Veronica, her voice was so quiet. "He just held my hand."

Cleo wrapped a soothing arm around her shoulder, "You know he loved you more than he could ever love her- he's just blinded by her lies." Veronica nodded sadly. Then, as if to make it go away, she shook her head and looked up with a smile.

"But that's not even the worst part though."

"What's the worst part?" Rachel asked as if it was impossible for be worse than someone stealing your boyfriend.

"The worst part is that now we're down a player in our band. I mean we would ask you Raech, but we know you don't have any musical talent, so we're left up blank."

"Thanks," Rachel murmured. "But I think you're forgetting someone."

"Who?" we all looked at her curiously.

"Umm... Katherine, duh." I looked at her in utter shock. ME? I suck at making music, what made her think that I could be apart of a band??? Though it did sound fun, even if Veronica and Cleo weren't my favorite people in the world.

"Of Course! Rina, do you know how to play any instruments? Or sing or something?" Veronica asked.

"I can play the guitar a little."

"Awesome! That's perfect! You can take that bitch's place on the electric. Does that sound good?"

"I've never been in a band," I replied.

"That's okay."

"I've never played an electric guitar either, only acoustic."

"Again, that is fiiiine." She grabbed my wrist in what was either supposed to be a reassuring or a desperate gesture. "I mean they are exactly the same, we just need to get you used to it and we have a few months to do that. So are you in?" She looked at me hopefully and expectantly.

"Sure," I replied. But after they heard how bad I was at guitar they would probably change their minds.

The two girls squealed in unison, causing Rachel and me to cringe away from them. I never realized two people could be so loud and annoying before- they were like one entity of complete girly-girlness.

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