Chapter 7

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Shortly after dinner ended, Dream packed up his belongings to head back home, mentioning how he needed to study for the upcoming tests when they returned to school on Monday. Toby was staying the night as it seemed so far, as neither Schlatt nor their parents had called Toby or Phil asking for the teen, Techno had already finished the dinner dishes and was lying on the couch reading a book about Greek mythology, like the absolute nerd he was, and Phil was packing his bags for this stupid work trip that there was no way to escape from.

Amidst this evening routine, Wilbur found himself sitting alone, carefully tuning his guitar. It felt like he hadn't strummed the strings in weeks, although it had only been a few days. The stress of recent events had left time feeling warped and unreliable. Just last night, he had stumbled upon Schlatt through a window, but it felt like a few chapters had passed since then.

Oh yeah, about that race? He'd won fair and square.

Well, maybe Tommy would argue differently. Wilbur had hopped over the banister and technically touched the marble floor first. Tommy had been only two steps from the ground, and therefore, accused Wilbur of cheating.

"It's not cheating if you don't set up any rules," He had argued back, which flustered and further annoyed the blonde teen.

Wilbur's eyes kept glancing over to his phone, and he would jump at any message or notification he received, his mind preoccupied with longing for Schlatt to be the one to text. He'd already tried texting the shorter a few times, but there's been no response, or even 'opened' indicators on Snapchat.

Wilbur's eyes also drifted off to his closet, where he knew a certain drink was there, waiting for use.


I am not succumbing to their level.

Wilbur refuses to be like them.

With a huff, he strummed his guitar, wincing as he realized that one of the strings was severely out of tune. It appeared he had tuned it in the wrong direction. Grumbling under his breath, he carefully adjusted the string. Right now, Wilbur feels both alone and lonely. There was a distinct difference between the two, and he was experiencing both. Isolated in his room, he felt useless without Schlatt or one of his brothers around.

Maybe bothering Techno would ease his mind. Wilbur carefully placed his guitar in its case and left his room. He assumed Techno was in the living room, and his hunch was confirmed when he was immediately noticed by the pink-haired sibling.

"Sooo, I heard one of your friends is throwing a party on Saturday instead of the Winter dance," Techno began casually.

Wilbur hesitated, "Oh, uhm..."

"If you can catch my drift, I think I want to go," Techno continued.

"But why? You're supposed to be the role model," Wilbur pointed out.

"Yeah, supposed to be. I'm just a bit bored, I guess. Being the eldest means Phil expects a bit more from me, but not too much," Techno explained with a shrug, his pink hair cascading down his shoulders.

"Which of your friends are even going? You said at dinner that dances weren't your thing. Why would you even go?" Wilbur recalled.

"Dad will be out of the way, you mentioned taking Tommy to the Winterfest and then to Toby's or Ranboo's afterward, right? It gives me a rare chance to experience life as a regular teenager, I suppose."

Wilbur raised an eyebrow and asked, "Are you scared?"

Techno shot him a warning look and said, "Don't utter a word."

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