Chapter 2

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Warnings: Brief mentions of ED, minor injury,

The two boys arrived at Quackity's house at six fifty-eight and were greeted by Niki, Quackity, and Skeppy in the front yard. Well, mostly Niki.

Wilbur yelled and ran to the girl with pink hair, who sat with her legs crossed in the grass.

"Wil!" She stood up gracefully and accepted an embrace from the tall brunette. "Hi Wil, you were'nt at school today, are you alright?" Niki smiled up at him, still tight in a hug.

"Yeah, I'm alright. I didn't really feel like going to school, I'm sick of the place to be honest," Wilbur scoffed, "Phil let me stay home on the condition that I helped him clean the house, so that's what I did."

"I told you yesterday that I was gonna show you my art project today, I just finished it this morning," she pouted, her bottom lip poking out a bit. Her German accent was accentuated a bit heavily.

"Augh, 'm sorry," he sheepishly replied. He glanced over Niki's shoulder and saw Skeppy lying face down in the grass. "I... is he okay-?" Wilbur let go of the hug and brought a hand through his hair. Quackity was also lying on the ground, but unlike Skeppy, he was face up, staring at the sky with a dopey smile on his face.

"I got off of work at six, I'm just waiting for the goods," Quackity smirked, stretching his hand out to Schlatt.

Schlatt huffed and handed Quackity the bag of alcohol he had been carrying. Wilbur also shrugged off his backpack, retrieving the remaining bottles they had brought.

"Where's Baddddddd?" Skeppy whined, his voice muffled by the grass below him.

"He's in the house already, he's apparently trying to make comfortable spots to sleep," Quackity affirmed. "Also, Wilbah my man, please go and grab Skeppy some water. He just ate like six edibles and is going to have the high of his life."

"Isn't this your house?"

"Yeah, what about it? I'm on the ground, and you're already standing," Quackity remarks with a playfully annoyed eye roll.

"Nah, have Skeppy get it himself, that'll teach him,"

"'m not that high yet, I can still do sh't." Skeppy groaned. He rolled over onto his back. " I had this many, not six, Plus, it was chocolate," Skeppy held up two fingers. He was clearly out of it.

"Bruh, it's recommended that you share it with like three other people," Quackity sighed, gripping the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "You ate two of those, which is about eight times the recommended."

"You're screwed," Wilbur laughed, "C'mere, let me help you up." He walked over to the boy in blue and reached his hand out to grab his hand.

Skeppy was hoisted up easily, although a bit shakily.


Something didn't feel right. A series of anxious thoughts raced around Wilbur's head, as he came to a conclusion. He had lifted Skeppy off the ground way too easily.

Of course, there had to be some logical reason, right?

As Wilbur stood there, the unease in his gut grew stronger. He couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right with Skeppy. The fact that he had lifted him off the ground so easily was gnawing at him. He tried to rationalize it, convincing himself that Skeppy must have pulled himself up more than Wilbur had lifted him. It had to be a logical explanation, right?

But as the anxious thoughts continued to race around his head, he couldn't ignore the nagging feeling that there was more to it. It wasn't just about how Skeppy had been lifted; it was about the bigger picture. As he thought about it, he couldn't recall any time in the past few months where he'd seen Skeppy eat.

 ||Discontinued|| Starlights (REWRITE)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon