Chapter 1

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Warnings: Underage drinking, smoking,

Wilbur was many things. A straight-A student, an aspiring musician, an older and younger brother, (younger by fifteen minutes, mind you), and a disappointment to his family. Or at least, in his own eyes. Wilbur was many things, but he was not an alcoholic, despite the fact that he sat against the edge of his bed, a can of beer idly in his hands. His watch read that it was ten 'til four, and Wilbur just groaned.

It's only Wednesday. And four o'clock at that. What the hell is wrong that would cause him to drink? He didn't even have a decent beer. It was the cheapest shit that anyone could possibly buy, the taste was almost too gross compared to the tiny buzz the can would even give to a lightweight.

Wilbur was home alone at the moment, having played hooky from school with his father's permission. He grimaced and shuddered at the aftertaste of the beer, and set it just under his bedframe and out of view from his bedroom door, likely to soon be forgotten once his siblings returned home from school.

The teen turned to the plastic water bottle that had been laying on his floor for three days and took a swig of that to wash the taste from his mouth. It hadn't done much, but he felt a little better with the not-so-cold water running down his throat.

His phone buzzed in his back pocket, which caught his attention instantly. He turned the device on to see that he had several missed calls and messages, but the most recent one had been on Snapchat from his best friend, Jonathan Schlatt. He decided to check his message first, as he'd rather not keep Schlatt waiting.

Big Guy--3:57
I need to run errands for Quackity for his party, he can't find his fake I.D

Quackity had lost the I.D that had been supplying their parties for the last few months? Damn, that's new.

How did he lose it-? You just stick it in your wallet, wtf.

Big Guy--4:00
He said that his parents had gone through his room at some point earlier this week. Apparently, they hadn't said anything about the stuff found, everything was just a little misplaced.

Damn. that's stupid. At least he isn't in trouble... I think?

Big Guy--4:00
As far as I've heard, he's fine, and the party tonight is still on. You coming?

Ah, right. The party. While it was the middle of the week, the school board demanded that Thursday and Friday be a day off of school so that teachers could catch up on all of the grades right before testing week. Meaning, Wilbur didn't have to go to school until next Monday. With the day off, Quackity and one of his boyfriends, Sapnap, had planned to set up a blowout to lift everyone's spirits before testing. Thank Prime. Wilbur needed some sort of filler in his life, school was so boring.

Let me check with Phil, we've been cleaning up for vacation next Saturday, so he may not let me.

Wilbur sent the message quickly and then switched to call his dad. Even though Phil was at work, he usually had the time to answer calls as long as they were relatively short. Today was one of those lucky days because, after two rings, Phil's voice sprung to life on the other side of the phone.

"Hey, what's up, everything okay?"

"Hi dad, everything's alright, don't worry. I just wanted to ask a question"

"Go on..."

"I wanted to see if I could stay the night at a friend's house, I know that we're doing house cleaning and such, but I've been helping and cleaning up most of the day. Would that be alright with you?" He hadn't meant to make it sound as guilt-trippy as it had, but the words spilled out of his mouth before he could finish.

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