Why is She Here??

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Tara's POV

I woke up at around 7:00am. I had to get ready for school and Mindy was already texting and calling me nonstop. 

I groaned and got up from bed, rubbing my eyes and ruffling my hair. I wasn't bothered to make my bed as I'd probably just go back into it after school. 

I brushed my teeth, got dressed and got in my car. I started up the engine and made my way to school. 

'TARAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!,' Mindy called from the carpark. I'm going to go deaf because of this girl.

'Heyyy Mindyyy,' I smiled, hugging her when she put her arms out. 

'You look bummed out. All's good?' She asked me, laying her hands on my shoulders.

'Yeah, all's good just tired. School has me feeling like shit,'

'Fair enough, good to hear though,' She laughed, leading Tara to the group,

Wes, Liv, Amber and Chad were all there talking amongst each other. Wes instantly gave Tara a gleaming smile and waved a little too frantically. Amber cringed inside, trying not to make a face.

'Hi Tara, how are you?' Wes smiled, moving over to let Tara sit down.

'Hi Wes, I'm doing good and you?'

'Doing better now that you're here,' He smirked, putting an arm over Tara's shoulder.

Tara lightly smiled, looking over at the rest of the group. Chad and Liv were being extra lovey-dovey today, planting kisses on each other's faces and Mindy was fake throwing up at the sight, and Amber..

She was in a green shirt with a flower laced one underneath. Her hair perfectly rested on her shoulders and her arms crossed on the table. I don't know why her presence really stands out to me. She just looks good today I guess?

'Staring much?' She spoke, a quirk forming on her lips.

'Oh, sorry just zoned out,' I laughed awkwardly, rubbing my thumb on my finger.

'You have a boyfriend to stare at, not me. Although I'm flattered.' She flicked her hair back over her shoulders. 

'Shut up Amber it wasn't like that,' I glared, but it softened down quick due to the way her eyes glared back at mine.

Wes nudged my shoulder and glanced at Amber and back at me.

'No, she isn't causing me trouble,' I laughed.

'Okay.. Just wondering,'

He gave a dirty look to Amber, but she just rolled her eyes and ignored it. 

'Wanna come to the store with me? The food here is ass,' Wes asked.

'Sure I'll come,' 

'TARAAA GET ME SOMETHING PLEAASE,' Mindy yelled across the table, waving her hands around.

I laughed at how ridiculous she was. 'Don't worry I will,'


Amber's POV

I watched Tara leave with Wes, and their hands joined together. 'Ugh, his hands are probably so sweaty, I feel bad,' I thought.

'You good Amber? You're staring at them a little too hard,' Mindy smirked, putting her hand under her head for support.

'No ew gross,' I gave her a look but she kept on smiling.

'Right.. you said that to some other girl you liked and you ended up together,' She gasped.

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