26.Love :

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New chapter.......
After consoling her son, sunmi came to the living room to see Namjoon and Jin indulged in a serious discussion. She stood by the entrance of the living room and cleared her throat to gain the attention of the alpha and Luna.

“Oh sunmi-ssi, come sit with us” Jin motioned her making sunmi to go and sit with both of them. Seeing the nervous expression of sunmi Jin looked at her with concern.

“Is anything wrong?” he asked making sunmi to look at him with a sad smile. As she began to talk the smile that was once present on both the werewolves faces faded away.

The royal blood walked to the living room. In the distance he could hear voices. He recognized them as his mother and the Kim couple talking.

“I cannot accept this sunmi-ssi. How can I give my only son to a boy who hurt him willingly.” Namjoon asked, his voice loud and venomous.

“Namjoon-ssi please understand. Jungkook didn’t intend to hurt taehyung. He was confused on what he was feeling. It is not like every day you discover your feelings for another species. Kook was confused. All these time, according to him tae was just an omega boy living with us. But as he came to know that h4e was leaving us for good his feelings surfaced. I accept that he was a fool for rejecting tae but now he deeply regrets his decision.” Sunmi said her voice partly serious.

“I understand everything sunmi-ssi but for us our baby is the only happiness for us. We want the best for him. Being with Jungkook will only bring him hate from both the sides of our family. But if he chooses seojoon his life will be complete. He can be happy with his destined. That is what we want for our baby.” Jin said and sunmi was out of words. She knew she herself would have done the same if her child was at the place of taehyung.

“I…I can’t we let tae decide for himself?” sunmi asked making Namjoon to shake his head in disapproval.

“Do you think that tae will choose Jungkook who rejected his mercilessly over seojoon who loves and respects him the most?”

Jungkook felt his knees bucking. The words of the older was true. The omega boy will never choose a person like him over seojoon. The Trueblood was a great man a loving person. He knows how to cherish the omega boy which the royal blood failed to do. He knew that he could never get taehyung back. He lost his love without a fight. 

After hearing the elders talk Jungkook left from there without acknowledging them. As he went away, he failed to notice the subtle smiles shared between the three in the living room.

Seojoon was standing nervously, waiting for the omega boy to come down from his room. Their date night is here and he is looking forward to winning his destined heart. Seojoon adored the boy. He loved the positivity and calmness of the omega boy. For years he craved for a mate like him and finally Moon goddess blessed him with the most beautiful omega he had ever seen. He wanted to have the omega in his life. Willingly off course. If taehyung refused to be with him them that is the end for his dreams including his mate. He will never force their bond on the omega. A forced bond can give him taehyung but the love he craved for will not be there. He will only be able to possess the physical presence of the omega and he doesn’t want that. 

As he waited, he was met with the addicting scent of his destined.  Seojoon looked at the direction from where the scent was coming and his breath hitched seeing the beauty the omega boy possess.

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Taehyung was looking so ethereal that seojoon was star stuck for some time.

“H-Hyung…are we ready to go?” taehyung asked bringing seojoon out of his trance.

THE VAMPIRES OMEGA [Taekook]Where stories live. Discover now