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"Stolen Innocence."

The coffee gets cold in the cup that Marjorie has placed in front of me. During breakfast, no one speaks. Cato's confession is still echoing in my mind, and I can't help but think about how cruel life can be to some people. Marjorie tries to start a conversation with both of us, but I am still too shocked to focus on anything else, and Cato seems to have entered some sort of trance. I pretend to be interested in whatever the little girl is saying, but I keep glancing at her brother, who doesn't even blink. I try to take a sip of the coffee, but my hands are trembling, and the cup slips, spilling the dark liquid onto the table.

We remain in silence for a while, until the desire to run away reemerges, and I can no longer fight it. I rise from the table and sprint to my house. I stop in front of the entrance door as a deep pain pierces my head. I grasp the doorknob and wait patiently until it eases a bit. Before entering my house, I hear Lauren's voice behind me; she's supposed to return to the Capitol today, along with the stylists and the press team. I close my eyes and take a deep breath before turning towards her. I'm not in the mood for small talk today.

"Aren't you excited?" She asks with a smile on her face, "I still can't believe it! You've made it!"

My thoughts are miles away, and I struggle to grasp what Lauren is saying. She gesticulates wildly, and though her lips keep moving, I can't understand a single thing.

"Lauren," I stop her, as it's getting frustrating. "What are you talking about?"

"Oh, Clove, don't be foolish, sweetheart!" She chides, her tone emphasizing the urgency. "Cato and you are headed back to the Capitol with us."

"Wait, what?" I falter, a sudden jolt of anxiety in my stomach. I fully understand the consequences of going back to the Capitol. "Are you saying we're coming along?"

"Absolutely!" she exclaims, with a conviction that puzzles me. I wonder just how informed she is about how victors are treated in the Capitol, as I can't see this as anything to celebrate. "Get your things ready; the train departs in an hour and a half."

I run to Lyme's house, which is conveniently situated near the entrance of the village. I pound on the door with an almost reckless force, my hand repeatedly striking the wood until it's stained with my own blood. The burning in my knuckles intensifies with each impact, but that doesn't stop me; tears blur my vision as my heart races in my chest. My legs tremble, after a couple of seconds they can no longer support my weight, and I fall to my knees. The silence around me is deafening, only interrupted by the echo of my own ragged breath. Blood flows from my knuckles in a steady stream, relentlessly dripping and staining the wooden floor scarlet.

I run to Lyme's house, which is conveniently situated near the entrance of the village. I pound on the door with an almost reckless force, my hand repeatedly striking the wood until it's marked with my own blood. The burning in my knuckles intensifies with each impact, but that doesn't stop me; tears blur my vision as my heart races in my chest. My legs tremble, and after a couple of seconds, they can no longer support my weight, and I fall to my knees. The silence around me is deafening, only interrupted by the echo of my own ragged breath. Blood flows from my knuckles in a steady stream, relentlessly dripping and staining the wooden floor scarlet.

The door finally opens, and I look up to find Lyme, her face devoid of expression, welcoming me. I reach for her hand, and she helps me get up. I step inside her house, leaving Lauren behind.

"You said we would be safe!" I scream at her, and she seems unaffected. "They'll take us to the Capitol, and you didn't even warn us."

"I never promised anything," she replies. "We did everything we could."

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