Chapter 16

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Athanasia thought, "When would I get another chance? The time is now for what happened at the lake, you gotta take one punch." She raised her fists in the air, but then a chocolate she had snuck out of the kitchen fell from her sleeve, about to hit Ambrosine's head. Before it could touch her, Claude caught it, his glare filled with annoyance at whoever dared to disturb his daughter's sleep.

Startled by Claude's glare, Athanasia flinched and began patting his head, singing a lullaby softly, "Sleep tight, the moon smiles down on you, Goodbye to the day, the baby smiles at the stars too, Tomorrow will be a brighter morrow, so dream pretty dream and sleep tight, my child." While singing, Athanasia thought, "What am I even doing?" Her heart crying internally.

Curiously, Claude asked, "What song was that?" Athanasia replied, "A song to say 'Bye bye' to bad dreams." She thought, "He doesn't even know this lullaby? But the whole empire has heard it!" Claude remarked, "Well, it's such a lame song compared to the one that my Amber sings." Carefully, he sat down without waking up Ambrosine.

Athanasia greeted him, "Good morning, Papa." Claude corrected her, "It's not morning." Athanasia quickly adjusted, "Then good evening, Papa." Claude inquired, "Did Felix send you in?" He sighed while carefully getting up from the couch, making sure not to wake Ambrosine. "I should tell them to prepare our dinner here," he added.

Athanasia averted her eyes from Claude's exposed abs, visible due to his robe dress. The scene shifted to the dining room, where Ambrosine woke up as Claude and Athanasia were heading there. Claude looked at Athanasia and commented, "From your expression, I can tell you're well." Athanasia thought, "So you knew I was sick." She responded, "Papa is prettier too."

Claude suggested, "Let's eat. I made them prepare things you'd like." Athanasia gratefully said, "Thank you for the food." Claude and Ambrosine watched calmly as the fork Athanasia was holding went flying. Athanasia thought, "That scared the life out of me." Claude scolded her, "You need to learn more etiquette. I will send someone to your palace tomorrow. Those you have been learning from have no class, so it's time for you to receive proper lessons."

Determined, Athanasia replied, "Athy will do her best, Papa." Claude then fed Ambrosine, who was sitting on his lap. Ambrosine attempted to refuse, saying, "I-It's alright, I can-" but Claude cut her off, saying sternly, "Ambrosine, I am already mad at you. Don't make me even more mad." Ambrosine was shocked and saddened to hear him call her by her full name instead of Amber. She obediently took the bite for him.

Intrigued by their interaction, Athanasia bravely asked, "Did Papa and sis get into a fight?" Claude responded, "I am mad at those who don't take care of their health." He looked at Ambrosine, who simply looked down sadly. Athanasia thought "Then what about me you jerk!!" After dinner, Athanasia returned to the Ruby Palace, leaving Ambrosine and Claude alone in the dining room.

Scene shifts to Claude's room. Claude gazed at the broken picture of Penelope. He absentmindedly played with the chocolate that Athanasia had bought, his thoughts drifting to Diana and how Athanasia resembled her.

Claude broke the silence, asking Felix, who stood behind him, "Isn't she a bit brazen? She must have gotten it from Diana." Felix replied, "Lady Diana is definitely the type to leave a lasting impression on anyone." Claude responded coldly, "A year longer, and I would have forgotten that wench's face."

Felix was displeased with Claude's answer but still ventured to ask, "Did you enjoy your dinner with Princess Athanasia? Isn't she lovely?" Claude retorted, "Lovely? I lost those emotions a long time ago. And, of course, those emotions of mine are reserved for Ambrosine only."

Ambrosine thought, "He's calling me by my full name again." Felix, Ambrosine, and Claude glanced ahead at the broken picture of Penelope. Feeling the weight of the past, Claude said, "Leave me, Felix. I feel tired." Felix bowed and replied, "Blessings and glory upon the Obelian Empire."

Ambrosine could clearly see the disappointment in Claude's eyes as he looked at her. Nevertheless, she mustered the courage to say, "The food was delicious, Papa, wasn't it?" Claude replied, "I told you to take care of yourself, Ambrosine." Ambrosine insisted, "I am alright, Papa." Claude's voice turned stern as he said, "You don't look alright to me, Ambrosine. You still have bags under your eyes." Ambrosine hadn't slept the previous night due to reading a book called "History of Magic." When she came to see Claude the next day, he became upset and angry at her for not taking care of herself. Hearing Claude call her full name with such disappointment, Ambrosine couldn't help but shed some tears. Claude couldn't bear to see her in tears. He anxiously pleaded, "Hey, hey, don't cry. Amber, don't cry." Ambrosine clung to him, apologizing, "I'm sorry, Papa. I promise to take better care of myself, so please don't hate me."

Ambrosine was reminded of her past as 'Iseul' and how people around her had hated her and refused to help with her mental problems. Unaware of the depth of her pain, Claude reassured her, "Why would I hate you? Amber, I can never hate you. I was just worried about you." He continued to pat her head gently, trying to soothe her. Eventually, Ambrosine cried herself to sleep in her father's comforting embrace. Claude, Laid on the couch holding her close, whispered soothing words until they both drifted off into a peaceful slumber.



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