III - Alas, Fresh Air!

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Yes yes hello,
you may be wondering why I'm updating this more than my other book.

I'm going to be honest but I'm just having a lot more fun writing this fic more than the other.

Also, I can't find anything to read as of the moment so I will be writing :)


Third Person POV

"..-n Oh shiiit!" Yelled the newly named Ina'nis as she fell down a steep descend going even deeper down the cave.


She landed at rock bottom, although not very gracefully.

"And now what huh?!" She shouted at seemingly nothing, but she was actually talking to her skill.

[Survival Guide]

Chances did not take into account the likelihood of the Magisteel Crystal being a natural trap. Will correct from now on as a result.

"Here I thought you were some almighty guide.." She poked insult at the Skill but the Skill seems to not retort, after all it's only a survival guide and not a being to help for improving skills, and it seems learn from experience.


A freshly named Ina was walking through the cave attempting her hand at finding an exit.

Unfortunately for her the cave seems much bigger than it seemed, each section leads to another and another that keeps on leading down, there didn't seem to be a section that leads up at all.

"I think I took a wrong turn.." She said.

[Survival Guide]

Predicting Path taken from origin point....

429 Left Turns,
233 Right Turns,

Calculating Total Area covered...

Pathfinding Fastest way up...

Error. Point of Origin does not originate to the top.

Pathfinding Point of Origin...

Error. Possible Paths Obscured.

"Huh? You're telling me we're stuck here?!" She panics

"Hey! Guide! Answer me!" She yells at her skill but to no avail.

"God damnit.." She feels defeated knowing she won't be able to find herself out anytime soon.

She then tests [Reikgon] and attempts to consume non-living materials with it.

It seemed to work at first but it would just immediately spit it back out without anything changed.

"Come.. On!! Why won't you eat it?!" She complains to her skill as the black matter dissipates back into her hand.

She grabs the rock yet again, "[Reikgon]!" as fast as she said that was as fast the black matter consumed the rock, but it shot it out and the matter dissipated again.

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