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He looked down at you like his world was ending and he was helpless to stop it. Which had been the case a few moments ago, but now... they had a chance. They were going to live. You hadn't died in vain, at least.

You grimaced and moved your right hand in the air, the silver ring catching the odd golden light that now made up the pillars, floors, and ceiling of the odd room you were in. What a tragically beautiful way to die.

You had to know.

"Was this - did you...?" you couldn't speak full sentences anymore, your words coming out choked and pained. In the background, you could hear Allison arguing with someone. That didn't matter to you. Just Five's desperate face hovering above yours.

"Yes," he replied immediately, taking your hand and holding it tightly to make up for the limpness of yours. "Yes, (Y/N). And I would a thousand times over." His voice broke slightly on the last two words, and you felt your eyes fill with tears.

"I can't... remember," you whispered hoarsely.

Five's jaw tensed, and he seemed to be collecting himself before he spoke again, looking straight into your eyes. "(Y/N) Hargreeves, will you marry me?"

And then for some reason, you weren't so afraid anymore. You smiled as your eyes began fluttering shut, the dying word on your lips the only one you'd ever been able to say to Five Hargreeves.



There wasn't even a second to mourn. Allison's hand hovered over the button, but before she could press it, (Y/N) died. And everything went black.


Everything faded back into focus for the Hargreeves siblings. They looked around in confusion, blearily recognizing they were in an elevator very similar to Hotel Obsidian's. There was a dull dinging sound, and the elevator door slid open quietly.

Nobody said a word at first, a hazy fog settled over their heads.

What had just happened? How was everyone alive?

Viktor walked out first, everyone else following behind him, looking around the courtyard suspiciously. It was dark out - there were a few muted yellow lamps hanging from concrete pillars surrounded by trees. In the center of the small round courtyard sat a cement block with a metal replica of Reginald's head on top of it.

There were little pathways leading off from the main area, caged in by brush and greenery. It felt like a fairytale setting, and it definitely wasn't Hotel Obsidian anymore.

"Cool!" Lila was the first to speak, laughing as she looked around in awe.

Five strode over to the small statue, inspecting the words engraved on the plaque.

Obsidian Memorial Park

Graciously Donated By

Sir Reginald Hargreeves

This First Day of October, 1989

He eyed the words angrily, his eyebrows pressed together in annoyance and confusion. As he stood there, his final memories finally came back to him.


Just as he was about to panic, Viktor spoke.


Five spun around, his eyes narrowing. Hope bloomed in his chest when he saw Luther - he didn't really care all that much that his ape of a brother was back. But it meant that (Y/N) was there too.

"Oh shit," Luther said as Viktor ran toward him and embraced him. "You can see me?!"


"I'm alive? I'm alive!"

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