Old Dogs

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Once everyone was inside, you all gathered on the sidelines of the dance floor to watch Sloane and Luther dance. Diego and Lila were holding hands, and Klaus and Allison had linked arms. Five had a champagne glass in one hand and your heels in the other, since your feet had started to ache. He was being such a gentleman tonight, and you definitely weren't complaining.

A smoke machine poured white fog onto the stage, tinted pink by the colored lights, and surrounded the swaying husband and wife.

That's so weird to think.

"This is officially worse than the apocalypse," Five observed dully, and you thought about hitting him before realizing your hands were full with a wine glass and a cluster of flowers you'd spontaneously plucked outside. You settled for head-butting him in the shoulder, to which he immediately let out a surprised scoff. Then he turned, his eyes landing on the bottles of wine and champagne. "Ah, there we are." He started to walk over to them, and you watched him go, trying to ward off the sad feeling that was slowly building up in your chest.

You didn't want to be drunk. Not on your last night with your family. You wanted to see every one of them, tell them you loved them.

But you couldn't tell them what you were going to do, or they would stop you.

You watched with a sad smile as Lila spun Diego, and then they led each other onto the dance floor. Oliver switched with Luther, taking his sister's hand and both of them smiling at each other as they began doing a dance the two of them seemed to know very well. You glanced to the side, spotting Klaus, who was doing the tie dance move to pull you over. You giggled, running over to him, your bare feet smacking the floor as you launched yourself into his arms. He laughed, grabbing both of your hands and spinning the two of you in a circle until you almost fell, shrieking with laughter.

"(Y/N)," he finally said, his voice high-pitched. "I might miss you the most when the world ends." 

You fought off the ache. "You too, Klaus. You're my favorite brother. Like always."

"You sure you won't miss someone else more?" He waggled his shapely eyebrows at you exaggeratedly, and you snorted as he began doing an odd interpretive dance. 

"And that might be my cue to go. But..." You faltered, considering saying 'I love you', then forced a brighter smile. "Don't get too drunk."

"Do you know who you're talking to?" he called after you, and you laughed as you walked off. You pointed at Luther with a grin as he slow-danced with Sloane, and he chuckled bashfully. You observed Viktor and Allison on the sidelines, jogging over to Viktor and tugging on his arm.

"You used to love to dance," you said, pouting at him. He shook his head but smiled, allowing you to pull him onto the dance floor after a moment.

"You remember our dance parties, huh?"

"How could I forget?" you replied, placing your hands on his shoulders and doing a weird fast slow-dance. "You were a brilliant dancer."

His face lit up, and you realized he probably wasn't used to just normal conversation about the old days.

A few minutes passed, and he went back to his seat, leaving you to drag Five away from the drinks and over to a table. Everyone else followed, going to their own respective tables. You took a moment to observe who sat where - oddly enough, Ben sat with Allison, both of them silent. Obviously, Luther and Sloane sat together, and Lila and Diego. Viktor was sitting with Klaus and Oliver. You refocused your attention, watching with mild disgust as Five tipped back a few of the snacks spread in front of you. 

"You're gonna choke," you observed in a dry tone as he crunched on the peanuts. He didn't have time to reply before Klaus sashayed over, pointing at you with a bright smile. "Cinco y Ocho! Mis hermanos!"

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