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Grian and Cub were standing in front of the end portal. Cub saw Grian's nervous expression, "Your wing ok?" Cub asked. Grian shifted his wing with a small flap, "Yea, I guess all that left to do is jump."

"Do you want me to come with you?" Cub asked. He didn't know what the "capital" even was, but if Grian, the almighty watcher, didn't want to go in, it couldn't be pleasant.

"No, this is something I have to do alone." Grian warned. Cub nodded and felt a wave of relief on the inside.

Grian flexed his wings and jumped. In an instant he was in the endless void dimension. He took it all in for a moment before walking around the big dragon nest.

    Grian always felt guilty about the ender dragon, its soul purpose was just to die. To be a checkpoint for players. He imagined where the dragon used to be. "rip, Betty." he mumbled to himself. Why Betty he hadn't the slightest clue.

     He felt the cold, obsidian, pillars surrounding his last chance to turn back. He turned away from the portal to spawn and instead flew straight into the little portal off to the side.

His mind was spinning, but when he regained consciousness he was no longer at the ended dragons nest. He was now surrounded by chorus fruit. He hated chorus fruit, that's pretty much all Watchers ate and it was disgusting.

He walked around aimlessly until he came across the thing he needed, an end city.

The capital was a very secure place, only Watchers could get in. To make it to the capital all one needed to do was find and end city.

He flew up and landed perfectly on one of the bridges connecting to the main building. He walked into the main area of the end city, the shulkers greeted him upon entry.

Shulkers we're clever, elusive creatures who were aware of a Watchers capabilities. They were cautious, yet polite. Smart creatures indeed.

Grian went to the very center of the building, the very heart of the end city. He raised his hands and with pulse of energy he sent a flaming ball of magic straight to the top of the city.

He looked up to see the portal he had opened up. With a swish of his feathers, he had ascended into the swirly purple transporter.

                                       * * *

     Mumbo wasn't in any real rush to find Scar. He knew he'd see him tonight, at the Hermit meeting. Mumbo then thought about Grian. He obviously couldn't show up, so what would his excuse be?

Mumbo didn't dwell on that thought any longer but instead made his way to his closet and picked out his nicest suit. He had to look presentable.

He carefully laid the suit out on his bed and then opened the door to his bathroom to take a hot shower. He took his shower and put on his nice suit.

      He looked in the mirror. He brushed his hair back with his hand and looked into his own eyes. The shiny, shimmery, emerald green was a nice change from his usual muddy brown.

     Looking in his eyes made him feel good, confident even, a feeling he hadn't felt in a while. He straightened himself up and equipped his elytra. He opened his window and with a single rocket he shot up through the opening and he was on his way to the shopping district.

                                        * * *

      Mumbo started flying over the shopping district trying to spot a hermit, and he found that all the hermits were just gathering in the street.

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