White Lies

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Scar was looking at what he was sure was his friend. He felt horrified. His friend was one of the deadly immortal beings that hurt him so many years ago.

    Scar touched the the scar that tore across his face. It had given him his nickname. He felt a tear stream down his face, curving a path on its way down.

    Scar reminised on the past for so long he almost hadn't noticed Grian waking up. Grian was badly hurt. Scar hid behind a book shelf and tried to watch a Watcher.

Obviously his attempts failed because Grian could see everything. He knew Scar was there. He stumbled to stand and used his arms to support his weight by holding on to the desk.

He looked over to where Scar was. The symbol on his mask had a warm purple glow. The symbol served as his eye that could see all the way around him.

He noticed Scar's single tear that had now fallen to his shirt. Grian thought to himself, "Scar probably doesn't want to talk to me." With that thought in mind he tried to muster enough strength to summon a portal.

He couldn't.

He tried to raise his hands but that meant there was nothing helping him stand. He fell to the floor.

Moments passed until he felt the warm embrace of what felt like a hug. He looked up to notice Scar hugging him, tightly. He had tears streaming down his face as he buried his face in Grian's cloak.

Grian hugged him back for a long pause before Scar finally whispered into Grian's shirt,"Thank you."

Scar was the first to pull away from the hug. Grian trying to keep the not-converstation light-hearted. He said,"You wouldn't believe this, but this is the second "hugging on the floor and uncontrollably sobbing session" I've had today."

Scar chuckled as he tried to wipe his tears. Scar then looked Grian up and down again. No matter how many times he looked he still couldn't- he wouldn't believe his eyes.

    "Grian?" Scar said swallowing,"Is that really you in there?" He acted as if Grian's Watcher form was a cage and the "real" Grian was trapped inside.

     Scar was both wrong and right. Currently Grian was trapped, but it was still the "real" Grian. Grian really was a Watcher and his Watcher form was the "real" Grian whether he wanted it to be or not.

    Instead of correcting Scar, Grian thought of something that could still protect his identity. He said, "Watchers ambushed me the night of the portal. They changed me into a Watcher and I don't know how to change back."

    Technically this was all true, he just left out the part that he was already a Watcher and all the Watchers did was make him switch forms.

    Scar felt a wave on relief, but only on the outside. His insides were a nervous wreck. "Is this why you left?" Scar said. He sounded almost confused.

    Grian nodded and forced his eyes to the floor. He wouldn't be able to make eye contact with Scar. He could still see Scar even with his head at the floor. "Stupid Watcher powers," Grian muttered to himself.

    Grian was expecting Scar to say something, but he just started to giggle. The giggle turned into a laugh. He said," You didn't have to leave for that! We could've told X the situation and he can probably fix it."

Grian swallowed. He had been a Watcher for close to 5 years now. Admin powers can't fix it, he had admin powers, he'd tried that. He knew he couldn't let on to Scar that he was an admin, or that he was already, irreversably, a Watcher.

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