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Editor Note: Do you ever start something and then you get so addicted to it you just can't stop? That's what happened to me.... I joined a server on Minecraft and I am so attached. That's what I've directed all my free time to. NONETHELESS, I am here now and ready to write!

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"Ouch! That hurt." Grian muttered. Cub was stitching his wing back together, tight. Another stitch, another tug, another pain surging through Grian's body.

     His wing was still sore from the last time Cub had to stitch it up. "Grian?" Cub said. Grian winced at the pain, "Y-yes Cub?" Cub keep stitching. Without even making eye contact, he said, "How powerful are you?"

      Grian blew at the strand of hair between his eyes. "Well I became a Watcher almost 6 years ago, before joining Hermitcraft I-." Grian couldn't finish.

      Cub knew Grian was hiding something. "Listen Grian, I'm not gonna pressure you into telling me. If your uncomfortable, we don't have to talk about it."

Grian remembered earlier when Cub caught him lying. How understanding he was. How good Grian felt getting everything off his chest.

Grian spilled the beans, "I'm one of, if not the most powerful Watcher. Stitch. When they took me, I was blinded by the mask, by the power." Another stitch. Another tug. "I trained constantly, soaking up everything I could. I got into some mischief, per usual, and ended up breaking the rules and, and I trained with a voidling."

Cub pulled another stitch, "Why can't you train with a Voidling?" Grian let out a sigh, "Voidling and Watcher techniques were never meant to mix. Voidlings are crazy powerful with an unsatisfyable taste for blood. Mortal blood."

I trained with Master Fay, under his influence, I gained an unquenchable taste for blood as well. I had so much power, and I abused it." Grian felt himself crying. He wiped it off with his fingers and looked at the tears.

"I don't deserve this, and tears are just a painful reminder of that." Grian said, he was full of regret and guilt. "I wiped out town after town, each one gaining more and more power. I knocked out more people than there are on the entirety of planet Earth."

It hurt Grian to let the words flow out of him. For someone to listen to this, his terrible past. He kept pushing through, "After a year of this, I got bored, so I hunted Watchers." Cub felt cold when Grian said that. Cub was blown away by what he was hearing, but he knew Grian needed someone to depend on, someone who would listen.

Cub had finished stitching and was sat next to Grian, resting his hand on the Watcher's shoulder. Comforting him while he dug deeper into his tragic backstory.

"I grew to be one of the biggest, most powerful, widespread Watchers in exisistence. Everyone knew my name, Xelqua. I was offered a spot on the council. They told me I'd make a great asset to their team." Grian said.

"It was then when I realized how sick their system was. I was a mass murderer and instead of punishing me, they wanted me to be one of the highest ranks in the nation." No matter how much it hurt Grian HAD to finish now.

"Part of me still wanted to prove my worth, so I followed through." Grian or Cub wasn't ready for what Grian said next. "They said as my initiation, I had to take out the admin of one of the top servers. I agreed and then I-I woke up here."

Cub was in shock. Grian was sent here to kill Xisuma. Cub decided to keep calm and just ask questions, "But its been 5 years, you haven't killed him?"

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