Chapter 11

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Nakano Pov
Where am I? I clench my that grass? Wait, "Father!" I gasp out shooting up my eyes darting around looking for him.

The images playing over and over in my head, I look down at myself my brows furrow together when I see that I had no injuries. How is that possible, "Nakano." Recognizing the voice i look to my right and stand seeing Yoriichi standing under the shade of a Sakura tree. I walk over to him tears welling up in my eyes again, "He's gone really gone isn't he."

I question him my voice cracking a bit, his eyes soften and he nods, "Your father is gone he fought brilliantly to the end. You where at deaths door but are slowly waking up which is why you are hear before me again. You must not give into despair Nakano, you are str-!"

"If I was strong my father would still be here!" I yell cutting Yoriichi off, he stays silent as my body trembles. The image of Kibutsuji's fist going right through my fathers chest stuck in my head, "If I was strong my father wouldn't have left himself open to Kibutsuji and maybe he would still be here. We would have been able to get out of there together." I say my voice cracking, but my eyes widen when I'm enveloped in a warm embrace. Yoriichi's chin resting on top of my head, "What had happened wasn't your fault Nakano. And what your father did was out of the love for you his child."

My fathers warm amber eyes flash in my mind and more tears fall and I clench onto Yoriichi for dear life silently sobbing. Yoriichi simply held me giving me silent comfort until a sharp pain passes through my head. I pull back from him and look down at myself seeing my body becoming transparent.

"Seems it time for you to wake. Your loved ones are still waiting for you." I wipe my eyes and smile, "Thank you Yoriichi." I catch sight of his small smile on his face before everything fades black once more.

But this time a sharp pain shoots through me and I let out a groan using all my energy to force my eyes open. I hear a faint gasp next to me as I blink my blurry vision away, and I turn my head to the side seeing a tearful Kanae next to me. I muster a smile, "H-Hey Kanae..." I rasp out before coughing violently my throat hurting from lack of use. Kanae shoots up and runs towards the door, "I'll get Rengoku-sama!" I watch her run out the room I look around recognizing it as the room I stay in when I would visit Oji. Hearing multiple pairs of footsteps approaching I look back over at the door seeing everyone.

Oji, Kyojuro, Kanae, Shinobu, Senjuro and even Iguro was there with kaburamaru on his shoulder. I smile, "Sorry for the worry." I rasp out coughing again, Kyojuro and Senjuro immediately rush over with crocodile tears streaming down there faces. "Big sister!" But Oji catches them by the back of there yukata's before they can reach me, "You idiots you can't rush at her! Nakano just woke up and is still injured."

Oji scolds them letting them go, he comes over with the rest following behind him. He helps me sit up, that's when I notice the bandages poking out from under the yukata i was wearing. My left arm in a sling, he props me up against him and Kanae brings over a bucket and wooden ladle that has fresh water in. I try to grip it but my hand trembles, "Here let me." Kanae says gently taking the wooden ladle from my trembling hand. And she helps me drink some water not letting me drink it to fast. 

Having enough I let out a satisfied sigh wiping my mouth with my right hand. Everyone's eyes glued to me as if I would disappear at any moment.

I let out a small chuckle, "Thank you all for taking care of me long was I out?" I question slowly Shinobu let's out a small huff, "6 months you idiot that's how long you've had all of us worried." Eyes widen and guilt eats at me, "Ahh sorry..." I turn my head slightly so I could look up at Shinjuro-oji, "Did you....." Softly and scoops me up in his arms walking out the room we got down the hallway and Iguro slides open the door to the room where we had made a shrine for Ruka-obasan and my mother.

Kyojuro lights the candles as Oji sets me down in front of the shrine. There surrounded by the candles was a picture of Ruka-obasan, my mother and now my father and his crimson nichirin sword.

I could feel tears well up in my eyes and I clench my fist as everyone sits around me.

I bow my head saying a silent prayer, please continue to watch over me and guide me mother, father. And thank you for everything.....

After spending sometime in there Oji takes me outside to the back patio saying fresh air would do me some good. He leaves me with Kanae and Shinobu as he, Kyojuro, Senjuro and Iguro go into town to pick up all of my favorite foods to celebrate me waking up.

"So not that I'm glad to see you two, but what where you guys doing here?" I asked Kanae curiously since our first mission together 2 years ago when I defeated that lower moon Kanae and I grew close becoming the best of friends. If we where busy on missions we would exchange letters through our crows. And if we had time and where close to eachother we would meet up, go to a restaurant or food stand to catch up.

When she introduced me to her little sister Shinobu, I couldn't help but tease her when I could finding her reactions cute and funny. Much how Kyojuro, Senjuro and even Iguro are like little brothers. These two are my little sisters, "Rengoku-sama sent word to me when you where first injured that I could come by anytime to check on you. I was so worried Nakano.." Kanae admits softly, "Thank you Kanae and I'm sorry for all the worry I caused you."

I apologize again, "You better be sorry making big sister worry like that." Shinobu grumbles, "And what about you Shinobu what brought you here worried about little old me?" I tease wanting to lighten up the mood, "As if!" She yells the tip of her ears turning pink, Kanae and I share a look before we burst into a fit of laughter.

"Don't light with her big sister!" Shinobu shouts at Kanae her cheeks starting to turn pink too. The only thing that would make this moment was if Tengen was-!

My eyes widen and I try to stand to rush down the patio. But I immediately collapse, "Nakano!" Both Kocho sisters shout rushing to help me up, "You idiot what are you doing."

"I have to get back to my house, Tengen he must be wondering where I am." I say trying to force myself to stand but Shinobu jabs me in my ribs and I wheeze hunching over in pain.

"W-What was that for!"

"You idiot your in no condition to travel your body still needs time to heal! We almost lost you so like hell I'm going to let you rush off!" Shinobu shouts her voice cracking in the end, "She's right you know." Kanae says as she helps me sit back down on the patio, "You need a bit more time to recover Nakano, once you recover enough strength I'll personally take you alright." Kanae says gently, "Alright."

I say giving in and I pull Shinobu to a hug, she doesn't resist like she normally tries to do simply returning the hug gently, Kanae joining in.

I don't want to send a letter to Tengen I want to see him in person....

So please wait for me Tengen....

Blazing sun (Tengen Uzui x Oc KNY fan fic) RewrittenDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora