Chapter 6

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Nakano Pov (1 1/2 weeks later)
I sigh as I head back to the middle of this small town still not picking up the demon we are looking for. You see I was sent here with a small team of 4 Mizunoe ranked members. Kanae, Miro, Han and Mei.

All four of them being the survivors from the same final selection. Mei and Miro have bubbly personalities, Han is on the more quiet side. And Kanae is just sweet she's only 11 years old making her two years younger than me and has a younger sister named Shinobu. Seeing as I'm the highest ranked out of the 5 of us I've been giving the other four orders it feels weird since I'm normal listening to father always giving me orders.

As I approched the meeting point I spot the others waiting for me, "Gomen I didn't mean to take so long." Kanae waves me off, "That's alright Hino-san did you find anything?"

I can't help but scrunch my nose up, "Kanae call me Nakano your making me feel old. And no I didn't, what about the rest of you?" They all shake there hands Miro groaning dramatically, "This is stupid you would think the demon would have shown itself by now."

"This demon must know we're here and is hiding from us." Mei huffs out, "Or it left and is feasting on people somewhere else." We all kind of just stare at Han who looks back at us with a blank look. I clear my throat slightly, "Anyway....I don't think it left otherwise our crows would have told us. Its hiding for sure but to go this long without eating a human I'd imagine its going crazy by now."

And just as those words leave my mouth an explosion goes off followed by screams. We all take off towards it pushing threw the crowd of screaming people. I pull out my bright red nichirin blade as I come face to face with the demon.

I grip the haul tighter as I notice it eating a man, it lifts it head allowing me to see its disgusting face. Its pointed teeth sharp and stained yellow with blood, with three horns growing out of its forehead and its bluish hair tangled with twigs and what I assume is mud. But worse of all was the fact that it's green eyes had a number branded in it.

Lower moon 1....

He snarls at us, "You damn brats wouldn't just go away would you! I about starved myself try to wait you stupid demon slayers out! No you won't let me eat in peace, I'm going to make you runts suffer!"

I glance at the four around me, Kanae, Miro and Han where holding there blades steadily. But Mei was trembling, if I let them fight there not going to survive. I take a breath, "You four evacuate the town we're not dealing with an ordinary demon."

"We can't just leave you to deal with this monster!"

"Miro's right Nakano we're demon slayers too."

Before I can say anything else spikes shoot out of the earth. I quickly cut it with my katana but it forces the others back. I glance behind me and see Mei and Han already injured, "I can handle myself as demon slayers your duty is to protect the innocent! So get them out of here!"

They finally run off except Kanae, "Kanae go!"

"I-I'll send my crow to find backup please hang on!" She rushes off just as the demon raises its hands, "Just die already!"

I rush forward cutting the spikes came out of the ground threatening to skewer.

I rush forward cutting the spikes came out of the ground threatening to skewer

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(Something like this. I don't own this gif)

Just as Im in striking distance a spike comes at me from my left side at an incredible speed. I barely dodge it in time it grazing my side ripping my uniform and haori in the process. I grunt in pain slightly as the demon laughs at me, "Pathetic brat did you really think it would be that easy?! I'm going to have fun killing you!"

(Small time skip)

I pant heavily blood dripping down my face, and my right arm, my left leg weaked having been pierced with one of the spikes. No matter how hard I try I can't seem to close the distance between us fast enough.

He sends more spikes towards me but before I could move to dodge my left leg bucks out from underneath me. Time seems to slow down for me when I suddenly hear a deep gentle voice, "Move young one this isn't your end." Somehow my body reacts on its own and I roll out of the way at the last second. I quickly rush back to the demon cutting down each spike in my way, "That's it trust your sword become one with it. Keep breathing, raise your heart rate and body temperature."

My grip tightens on my katana as i listen to the strange voice. I could feel my heart beating wildly in my chest and a burning sensation on my lower jaw.

"Stay back!" The demon shouts seeming to grow nervous as I get closer but I ignore its yelling. Finally I'm face to face with it ignoring the stabbing pain in my side. 

"Sun breathing: 1st form: Dance!"

I finally slash threw its neck, his head rolling on the ground. Immediately his body turning into ash, "You did well and protected the innocent.."

The same voice from early calls out before I could give it much thought my body begins to sway. And I could feel myself hitting the ground face first. My eyes grow heavy and my body numb all the injuries I received taking there toll. Before I could completely black out I'm rolled onto my back. And I'm barely able to make out Mei, Han, Miro and Kanae surrounding me. And directly next to me was father and two Kakushi who seem to be telling me something.

But I couldn't understand with my ears ringing loudly. I know father must be worried for me with the amount of blood I've lost. So to ease his mind I muster a weak smile before letting the darkness around me consume me.

I just need to sleep for a little while, I'm so tired...

Blazing sun (Tengen Uzui x Oc KNY fan fic) RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now