Chapter 3

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Nakano pov ( a week later)

It has been a week now since father has left for his mission, to say I'm worried would be an understatement. I know he's one of the strongest out of the Hashira but so was mother and I lost her when I was 3. Tengen's picked up on it and does his best to keep me occupied which means alot to me if I was alone I know my thoughts would go to some dark places. Right now we where tending to the flower bushes in front of the house, "Does Hino-san's crow not bring you new's when he's gone this long?" He question's removing the weeds around them, "Sometimes it depends how busy he is."

Just as those words leave my mouth my father emerges from the path in the woods with bandages wrapped around his head and his left arm in a sling. I drop the water can and sprint to him, "Father!" He smiles as I collide with him wrapping my arms around his torso, "Easy kiddo you're old man's a little sore." He jokes lightly patting my head, I can't help but sniffle lightly causing him to pull away and crouch's down in front of me a soft look in his eyes.

"Hey I'm here Nakano I'm not going anywhere." I nod rubbing my eyes, "Now come on I want to hear what you and Tengen have been up to since I've been gone." 

I'm not going to lie I kind of forgot about Tengen for a second, once we walk up to the house he bows towards father, "Welcome home Hino-san." Father ruffles his white hair, "Thanks kid, let's go inside so I can take a look at your leg it should be healed by now." 

He walks inside and we follow right after, "But father you're injured." I try to protest, "Nonsense I'm fine come on Tengen." 

I shake my head in response and decide to prepare his favorite tea instead jasmin with a little bit of honey. I grab a box of dango and set everything out on the table just in time for the two to come out of the room. Tengen smiles widely, "Guess who can start training again!" Father sits across from me as he sits next to me, "I'm honestly surprised you didn't try to train when I was gone." I glare at Tengen from the corner of my eye as he laugh's nervously, "Yea well you told me not to......"

Father looks between the two of us and sweat-drops, " She knocked you out when you tried to train didn't she." I simply smirk as Tengen nods with a sigh,  "You are you're mothers daughter." Father chuckles lightly sipping  his tea, "Why thank you." I say proudly grabbing a dango stick for myself soon Tengen and I tell him about everything we've been up to like my training, doing chores, and Tengen almost burned down the house while trying to help me cook.

"Seems like you two been getting along just fine, as a reward for not burning down the house...." He gives Tengen a pointed look who in return blushes slightly and looks down in embarrassment, "Let's go to a small town just south of here around this time they always hold a festival to celebrate this years harvest...."

My eye's light up, "Really father we haven't gone since...." I trail off realizing what I was about to say, "It's about time we went back kiddo that's how your mother would have wanted it and what better way than going with a new friend." 

Tengen looks between us, "A festival?.....I've never been to one." He say's the last part quietly as if afraid of our reaction, Father and I share a look.

"Then you're going to experience it with us Tengen, I'll show you all my favorite stands!" I say smiling widely at him standing up, "Nakano go change into one of you're kimono's, Tengen come with me I should have a kimono you can wear will meet in front of the house okay." I nod in response rushing to my room it's been so long since I've been, I'm hoping Mr. and Mrs. Yamamoto still have there stand in the same spot. 

That's the first place I want to take Tengen, digging in my closet I decide on a pale pink kimono with a white  floral design and tie it together with a red sash. Looking in the mirror I chew on my lip, I'll just put it in a high ponytail. 

Blazing sun (Tengen Uzui x Oc KNY fan fic) RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now