Basil's Idea

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Days passed ever since the Devourer rised, since then the Serpentine have all made it to Ouroboros. The houses were filled, farms were made, and life was slowly returning to the once barren desert.

Basil however noticed a couple issues, he decided to ignore them however. Taking interest in his beloved and keeping the city restoration on track

Basil: The full restoration could take a year. That's quite well you know, considering what has happened

Devourer: That is thanks to you.

Basil: Hmm. Where is Fangtom?

Devourer: Oh, What do you need him for?

Basil: I didn't see him with the others. It makes me think I've wronged him in someway

Devourer: If you wronged him, then he deserved it. Rest Basil we can see him later

Basil simply nodded his head before joining his beloved in the outer sands of the city. There they rested until the next day, Basil waking up early and slipping out of his beloved coils.

Basil: I will be here when you wake up~

Basil slithered across the sand, eventually coming upon Fangtom's room inside the head temple. Smiling Basil knocked on the door before it opened. Fangtom greeting him as Basil walks inside

Fangtom: Ah, Basil. To what do I owe the pleasure

Basil: I just wanted to check on you, make sure your not upset or anything... are you?

Fangtom: No? Why would I be upset, everything is going smoothly why would I ever be upset!

Basil smiles before hugging Fangtom, a few issues still clouding his mind. He broke the hug before looking outside, Serpentine were roaming about and he knew each of their names. Yet he could still feel that a threat was on the horizon

Fangtom: Are you... alright Basil

Fangtom hesitantly said, still not used to being kind to others.

Basil: Well, a few Serpentine have still not made it to Ouroboros. Plus Garmadon is still on the loose, from what I saw on the ship the ninja no longer have their weapons.

Basil says staring at his spear, it glows a familiar shine as a purple haze fills the room showing a shadowy Garmadon

Basil: I believe he's up to no good again, and all of these things are connected somehow.

Fangtom: Serpentine working for humans? That won't last long

Basil: Yes but for who. Garmadon could easily kill them if he took the golden weapons

Their was a pause in the room as Basil drives his spear into the purple haze, it dissipates into the air as Basil's anger flares before settling back to normal.

Fangtom: You really care about us?

Basil: Of course I do. We are all family, Fangtom. And I will do whatever it takes to protect our people and our home.

Fangtom: I understand. Let's figure out a plan to deal with Garmadon and the missing Serpentine.

Basil: No. I will handle that, you and the others are going on a expedition to Ninjago, me included

Fangtom: What! Why?

Basil: To hold a peace conference, we need the humans to understand we want peace and fair treatment. If it goes well, we might have a military alliance with them

Fangtom: Military alliance?

Basil: We get to go to their land, they get to come to ours. I wanted to request this as soon as possible, a mistake I'm afraid. I only heightened the tensions between us, so I don't see the meeting going well

Fangtom: So we are all going to a meeting that probably won't go well.

Basil: Yep

Fangtom: And Pythor is coming with us

Basil: Of course

Fangtom: Basil, this is going to go horribly















Basil: Yeah.... I know

Basil says in defeat as he let's out a sigh, tomorrow all of the Serpentine were going to have to be on their nonexistent toes.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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