Samurai vs Ninja

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*Basil pov*
I woke up with a slight groan.

Basil: Mmm sleeping with them not close to me doesn't feel right.

As I slither out of one of the empty homes I notice a strange sight

Basil: No one is in town?

Then I hear loud cheering coming from the pit and I get excited

Basil: A pit fight! It's been awhile since I've seen one. I mean you cant count the fight from yesterday. Silly Pythor cheated

I make my way to the stadium eventually arriving as I slither up next to Pythor and the other generals next near the throne/shrine to my sweet

Fangtom: Ah good morning Basil

Basil: Good morning indeed. This'll be the first pit fight ive seen in a very long time. Who is battling?

Acidicus: The Ninja and the Samurai

Basil: What! How did you get the Ninja?

Skales: Caught them sneaking around the city last night. We decided to put our samurai friend and them to use

Basil: Children in pajamas vs a mech? That doesn't seem fair

Skalidor: Which is why I'm routing for the Samurai


Ah I almost forgot about the child as I turn my head and look up at them

Basil: Do not make me turn you to stone again child.

Pythor: Please do. They are quite annoying~

I chuckle a bit at that as I give him a pat on the back before focussing on the arena once again

Basil: It's alright. Remember your the hype snake for this so try to excite everyone as the battle goes on.

Pythor: Oh I'm quite good with the manipulation of emotions

Basil:........... Um alright good then?

Just then the competition starts as Basil stares on in excitement making sure to keep an eye on Lloyd. Pythor invigorated the crowd as the battle begins. The Samurai charges at the ninja as they dodge all of their attacks.

Basil: Hmm why do those techniquesss look so familiar~

Just then it clicks as the ninja begin to use spinjutsu before coming together forming a giant tornado of sand sucking in various item and tearing the place to shreds. When it ends a massive slingshot is made before the ninja fire it at the Samurai blasting them towards us as they crash at the foot of the throne.

Basil: Spinjutsu? The Tornado of Creation? It seems these are not just meer children.

As I ponder the Ninja attempt to attack us but Pythor pulls a lever shooting spikes up defending us from the ninja. He then pulls on it more tilting the arena vertically.

Basil: Aw now we cannot see the battle~

Then two figures fly above the tilted platform. The mech with the Ninja on it and the Samurai as they stare at us before using a magnet sucking something from beside me before collecting them in a cloth.

Samurai: Bye

Basil: But that wasn't nearly as fun as it was supposed to be!

They shrug at me before flying away I quickly look and find a nearby bow and arrow as I aim at the figure disappearing into the distance

With a red glow I fire the arrow as it sails through the air before splitting into two guiding themselves through the air. Sinking into the two thrusters on the Samurai's back as they begin to crash in smoke from the sky.

Basil: Jerk.... Hmm what is it?

Turning to look at generals Skales was the first to speak up

Skales: What was that?

Basil: Magic.

Pythor: Magic? How would you know something like that!

I scratch the back of my head as I think of the many. Many! MANY! Embarrassing times I tried to woo my dearest before quickly shaking the embarrassing thoughts away.

Basil: I was... Desperate for quite some time and during that time I learned a lot of things... Though that was one of the stronger spells I know. I'm still pretty new with the material myself.

Acidicus: Hmm that is interesting but im also sorry~

Basil: Sorry? For what!?

Fangtom: Turn around and see yourself Basil

I do so and notice my chocolates, flowers and other decorations were thrown around and ruined. I slump over in despair as I sniffle

Skalidor: Hey dont worry to much. Im sure we can fix it........ Eventually?

Skalidor says as he pats my back to try and soothe my sadness

Basil: I got kidnapped for those roses~

Pythor: Oh stop whining! You have days to prepare because now! We go after the Fangblades and awaken the GREAT DEVOURER!!!!

This causes me to spring up as I immediately begin to get excited

Basil: Then I have much to prepare in little time! So if you will excuse me I have to tidy up!!!

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