The Devourer Awakens

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     We immediately got the last Fangblade and from the looks of the Serpentine they were happy aswell.

Pythor: Where's Basil?

Skales: In the back, he's meditating. He does it daily.

Skalidor: He checks up on each of us one at a time everyday to make sure we're not in danger

Acidicus: Best to not interrupt, he'll get grumpy

Pythor: Hmm.

*3rd pov*

The Ninja stalk a Serpentine. One just getting groceries and about to catch the escort bus to Ouroboros. He swiftly gets knocked down and dragged to a back alley for questioning

Kai: Where's Pythor getting the last Fangblade!

?: Like I would tell you ninja! Once the Devourer awakens, they will devour everything

Zane: Doesn't that include you?

?:....... No! Basil promised us a happy future. One where we don't have to hide from humans or scurry in the sewers like rats! We will be recognized and no longer seen as best by humans!

Jay: We're not getting anything from this guy.

Cole: We will.

??: Hey! Leave him alone Ninja!

A couple Serpentine round the corner as they chase the ninja off. Now they were left no choice but to take Ouroboros head on. Including the entire might of the Serpentine army

*Back at Ouroboros*

The buses are coming in rapidly. Serpentine are pouring into the city getting adjusted into their new homes. The people are getting acquainted to one another, Basil could only grin at the view

Basil: It feels like I'm back to the glory days. Serpentine just being themselves like you and me. Only one thing is missing and now it's time.

Pythor: Why are we waiting! We should just awaken her now

Basil: NO! Everyone has to be here. Just a couple busses left then they will all be here

Pythor: grr

Pythor slithers off angrily and Basil follows. The other generals staying on lookout with their soldiers.

Basil: Pythor are you alright?

Pythor: No... just leave me alone.

Basil thought back to it, and now only realised a terrible thing. On all the busses, not a single purple snake exited the bus

Basil: Pythor, what happened to the Anacondri?

Pythor: What was needed. The other Serpentine don't have to sate their appetite due to their size. They could last awhile without eating or drinking.

Basil: But the Anacondri always were ravenous.

Pythor: I did what was necessary to make sure atleast one of us survived.

It all clicked at once in Basil's head as he looked at Pythor in horror. However when Pythor looked at him he could only feel pity. So he embraced the Serpentine with a hug.

Basil: I'm sorry.

Pythor: I had to... I had to do it. Now... I'm going to die alone, no Anacondri are left

He was crying, the tears of a snake were rare. However even Basil knew it would be impossible to get enough Anacondri to repopulate their tribe.

Basil: Pythor, I'll make a promise to you. Even if I have to go to the land of the dead, I will bring your tribe back. Please... just have faith in me

Skales: Basil! Their all here, we can start the ritual now!

Basil: Rest or come. Whatever makes you happy Pythor

Basil slithers off giving the fangs to the generals. It was time to start the ritual the generals get into the right position, inserting the fangs into the statue. It immediately started to leak venom filling the arena.

The venom glows beautifully against the roses and several decorations Basil set up. However, Basil himself is not here

Skales: Where is he?

Fangtom: Nerves?

Pythor suddenly rushes along the edge of the arena shouting a worrying word.


With a roar the ground bursts open! A massive snake easily the width of 2 buses and the length being too long to even measure. It rises into the sky before looking around in perplexion

 It rises into the sky before looking around in perplexion

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?: Where is he?

Skales: The Devourer....







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