Practice makes Perfect

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Chapter 3: Practice Makes Perfect

A few weeks had passed since Skiá had met Abby and they had since talked a few more times since. Oftentimes they would meet at lunch in the cafeteria or after he was done teaching a class, when she would stay to talk with him. Eventually Skiá had been introduced to Velvet, who was a friend of Abby's. They got along pretty well, mostly due to the fact that they had both had a great bond with the same person. They had become a trio of sorts that could usually be seen walking together around the grounds of Beacon.

One day mid afternoon on a Tuesday, Skiá was in the midst of a class and was teaching the students about using their surroundings to their advantage in a fight. He was just starting to explain how dirt could be used to blind an opponent momentarily when an alarm started blaring loudly in his classroom.

He pulled out his scroll while yelling over the loud noise to tell his students not to panic and that he would find out what was going on. He checked his scroll to see he had just received a message from Ozpin telling him there was a swarm of Grimm heading towards Beacon and fast.

Skiá immediately lets his students know what is going on and tells them to head back to their dorms while he goes off to help the other professors fight the small army of Grimm

They don't listen.

Seconds after he leaves the room, the students leave their seats to follow him and watch him fight. None of the students or professors at Beacon had seen him fight, be it in person or on video, as there were no known recordings of Skiá in action. The only person who had apparently seen Skiá fight was Professor Ozpin, nobody doubted him seeing as he somehow knew everything. They took his word for it when all he said in response to their inquiries was,

"It is truly a marvelous and exciting thing to witness"

As the students from Skiá's class went further on, they were starting to be able to hear the sounds of a battle taking place. They followed the sounds and seconds later arrived at the source.

The professors were all in their own battles facing off against mixed groups of Boarbatusks, groups of Ursa, packs of Beowolves and several Deathstalkers.

Each professor was proving their mettle and showing why they earned the title Huntsman. Port and Oobleck had teamed up and were facing off against a pack of Beowolves and a group of Boarbatusk. They were holding their own and both seemed to have the other's back and blind spots.

While Port and Oobleck were impressive to watch, their battle paled in comparison to the performance of Skiá.

Skiá was in the middle of a group of Deathstalkers with several Ursa mixed in as well. Skiá was using a sword very similar to what his brother had used. The blade was leaf shaped and had a bronze colored glow to it, while the hilt was wrapped in a leather strap.

What was most noticeable was the stream of water that was floating and revolving around him, occasionally lashing out and whipping any Grimm that got too close in the face. Whenever he slashed out or stabbed at a Grimm he had targeted, they keeled over dead the next second, while he had already moved on to his next opponent.

Ozpin walked up next to Port and Oobleck, who had finished their opponents seconds prior. He as per usual had his mug in hand and was sipping from it every once in a while. Together the three professors watched on as the entertainment Skiá was providing was slowly coming to a stop.

Skiá had just finished off another Deathstalker leaving one more as well as two Ursa to terminate. He wasted no time in charging at the two Ursa, dropping to his knees sliding once he was close enough. He swung his blade at the front legs of the bigger Ursa, resulting in the Ursa falling onto its face, due to its legs being cut off. The Grimm roared in pain before the sound was interrupted by Skiá's blade decapitating the Ursa.

He immediately turned on his heel and then plunged his sword into the heart of the other Ursa. Killing it immediately. All this had happened in less than 30 seconds, making it look like Skiá had drunken caffein spiked with adrenaline, he was moving that fast.

He now focused on the Deathstalker, with said Grimm shrieking in defiance and murderous intent. Then Skiá did something that seemed to infuriate the Grimm

He smirked

The Deathstalker charged at Skiá, intent on ending the pesky human that refused to die. Skiá charged forwards as well, before leaping up above the swipe of the Grimm's pincers and swinging his sword at the tail of the Deathstalker, cleaving off the stinger part and swinging again, cutting through the base of the tail.

The Grimm screeched in pain and started flailing around. Skiá for his part stayed calm, and with the water he had covering his torso, replicated the stinger of the Deathstalker's tail and raised it in the air above the head of the Grimm, increasing the density of the water to that similar of a frying pan, before smashing it down, with the collisions' result being that the Deathstalker became dazed long enough for Skiá to use the water as restraints, binding the legs of the Grimm, allowing him to shove his blade through the underside of the Deathstalker's head, effectively killing it.

With all the Grimm being killed, he relaxed and made his way over to Ozpin. Before he could start conversing with Ozpin, a student spoke up, asking how he did all that. Skiá replied by saying that they just need to train and hone their skills, along with the words

"Practice makes perfect"

After the students had made their way back to the school and to their dorms being given the rest of the day off, Skiá grew a concerned look on his face. Talking with Ozpin, they agreed that this wasn't a random attack by Grimm, it was far too coordinated to be so. They glanced at the disintegrating corpses of the Grimm in thought, each having the same.

"What's your endgame Salem?"

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