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(A/N: hey so sorry for the delay, had some stuff needing my attention but now I can put my focus back into finishing this trilogy, I'll keep this short and just say that the next chapter should be out sometime in the next two weeks, as i have some events approaching and will write here and there to get it done, i might write it in one go sometime the following week in a span of an hour or two, but that depends on if everything and everyONE in my house leaves me the fuck alone. I'll end the note and again, sorry for the delay. Please enjoy the second chapter of 'A Rabbit's Retribution"...

Let the madness commence!


It was 2:00 in the afternoon and Glynda was sitting in her classroom and reminiscing over the good memories she had made with the person she had helped to kill. Even though his demise was not her intention, by treating him the way she did and abusing him, she helped to aid in his horrific passing. She was shaken out of her memories and regrets when she received a notification on her scroll. There was a message from Ozpin requesting her to come to his office.

Glynda sighed and stood up from her seat, and walked to the door of her classroom, locking it behind her, then continued to make her way to the headmaster's office. When she arrived she stopped outside the door and knocked, waiting until she heard a muffled, "Come in" to be heard, then opened and entered through the door. She sees Ozpin standing at the window, gazing out of it, seemingly searching for something past the mountains. He speaks after a few seconds' silence,

"Glynda, you have been my friend for a long time, probably longer than I have been friends with James. And I have trusted you and your advice with unwavering trust, and not once have you led me astray or let me down. And soI'm hoping you don't let me down now more than you already have."

Glynda was becoming increasingly worried and fearful of how this conversation started and of the direction she feared it would be going. She waited to see what else was going to be said.

"So tell me, why did you abuse my son, who at the time was your partner, when he didn't do anything to warrant or deserve that?"

Glynda opened her mouth but no sound came out. Ozpin spoke again a second later.

"Please don't lie to me Glynda, you haven't before and I am hoping you do not start now. Also know that the police are on their way to arrest you for what you have been doing to him."

Glynda only nods numbly whilst looking down at the ground, as she had a feeling and knew that one way or another Ozpin would have found out about what she did and have had her arrested for it. Ozpin speaks once more after a moment of nothing but the sound of silence being heard.

"I'm truly sorry that it came to be this way, if you had come clean to him and told him whatever you needed to in order to let him down easy, then he and I would have understood and this would not have happened. But you had to lie to him and later beat and abuse him. If I did not have incredible self control as I do now, you would be six feet underneath the ground. What you have done has angered me far beyond what Salem could do or has ever done. I don't think I will ever forgive you for what you did, but I won't attack or kill you. It would be better for Miss Scarlatina's conscience as well as my own if you were to be put behind bars."

As Ozpin finishes his sentence and the end of his stress and grief induced rant comes to a close, two officers come in and stand behind Glynda, waiting for Ozpin to give the signal to arrest her.

"I do hope that you feel guilty and remorseful for your actions and the pain you caused him and several others. If not, then you would be worse than the monsters that we call Grimm. Goodbye Glynda."

Ozpin nods to the two officers and they both approach Glynda. One grabs hold of Glynda's arms and puts them behind her back and then handcuffs her while the other announces her rights and the reason for her arrest.

"Glynda Goodwitch, you are under arrest for First Degree Rape and Aggravated Assault. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just explained to you?"

Upon seeing Glynda nod, the officer continues and finishes his Miranda Warning.

"With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me or my partner?"

This time Glynda responds with a silent head shake signaling 'no' she doesn't want to speak to either of the officers. The officer that read off her rights nodded once to his partner who nodded back. (Two officers of the law are considered 'partners' if they ride together in the same car, get along well, and know a bit about each other, more so than other officers in the precinct)

With that being said and done, the two officers each grab hold of one of Glynda's arms and escort her to the elevator, where they will guide her to the squad car that will take her to the police department. The squad car was currently waiting outside making students wonder what was going on that needed the attention of the police.

Once the cops had disappeared into the elevator with Glynda, Ozpin sighed and sat down in his desk chair and slumped, losing all composure for once, before letting out a heavy sigh. He looked at the picture of him and his son smiling in the photo before a stray tear marked a streak on Ozpin's face and fell to the ground below him.

"(Y/N), I hope you are at peace now and can now be happy, wherever you are whenever you go in the afterlife. I love you my son, I wish you were here so I could tell you how proud I am of you. Rest in peace my son, you're free now."

(To be continued)

First chapter that has a little over 1,000 words.... Huh...

A Rabbit's Retribution (Deceased Male Reader X Velvet Scarlatina)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt