(14) Awakening of a Hiccup... and an Angry Dragon

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Hiccup's P.O.V The Island Shack

Waking up was a chore. It was soft; like what he thought a cloud would feel like when he still dreamed of the freedom flight brings. It was warm; like when the sun was shining on a summer day that had Hiccup and Toothless dozing on the grass of some tall rock they found. He wanted to stay in that feeling forever. 'If only Toothless was in one of his cuddlier moods... Toothless!' His eyes snapped open and his body shot up as the blankets pooled around his waist.

He frantically glanced around, noting everything in the room and further bunching the blankets as his hands quickly felt them, the bedding, the pillow, and the clothes he wore (distantly thankful that his bottom underclothes were still on) as he twisted this way and that. His frantic movements gradually slowed as confusion replaced his panic until all that was left was extreme confusion as he stared at part of the blanket he had grabbed and brought closer to his face.

'Isn't those supposed to be the part where I wake up in a cell, immediately faced with green bars and a sore back from laying on its bare wood floor, and face the Hunters needling just moments after?' Hiccup thought dryly, still staring blankly at the blanket (the softest he's ever felt, but he won't admit that).

Now that he thinks about it, the inside of the boat he was transported in was extremely nice as well; he knew that before but he can't help but wonder. Why was only Dagur there? Why such a nice room instead of a cell? Why wasn't there any interrogation besides what his interests were? Why was Toothless so calm until the end? Why did he wake up in this nice bed? In the nicest room he's ever seen, even without bars on the window? Why, why, why!? Too many questions swirled in Hiccup's head, and the only one who had answers was Dagur... He groaned, 'Just kill me now.' He thought bitterly, 'Knowing him he'll skip over the question when he starts to ramble about whatever he's done or will do. He might pick me up and drop me back off here.' He sighed and looked around for his peg leg.

Finding it on the side table he grabbed it, slid his legs off the bed, and clicked the fake leg into place before sliding off the bed entirely. He immediately felt a wave of dizziness, 'Most likely from the drug, and being passed out for Odin knows how long.' Was the distant thought, but forged ahead with shaking legs and a tilting body; he looked like a newborn deer walking for the first time. (But seriously, I could easily see Hiccup as a young deer. He's cute, I think we can all agree) The door was only a few steps away, but those few seemed to be a few dozen with wobbly legs and a dizzy head.

When Hiccup made it to the door he crashed into it, his legs already tired from agonizing exhaustion making them heavy and demanding he go back into the soft, warm bed. He winced at the sound as he braced himself against the door frame and yanked the door open, his arm also protested the motion. He looked down the revealed hallway with two other doors on each side, one a little way down. Calculating the distance between each door, and subsequently, the door's frame he decided he could only go forward.

Leading to him having the most embarrassing time wobbling quickly to each door and catching his falling body on the door frame, wincing at every loud noise he made because of his uncoordinated limbs. This is how Dagur found him desperately holding himself up with the door frame as his legs uncontrollably shook; having run up the stairs that Hiccup hadn't even known to dread. He must've been startled by the loud thumps followed by the even louder thuds Hiccup was making.

  He stood staring at him for a moment before rushing toward him. He flinched back, letting go of the door frame in his effort to get away. His wobbly legs and aching head immediately protest such a motion and Hiccup's body tilts towards the ground. He brings his hands toward his head to try to catch himself and soften the blow, eyes already closing to prepare for the pain. What his body hits isn't wood, most definitely softer than that and no pain follows, just the discomfort that comes with pulling at sore muscles.

He blinks, looks down to see the floor a few inches below his head. His head still felt dizzy, which Hiccup will use as his excuse as to why he didn't realize what happened until he looked up and almost hit his nose against Dagur's. He blinked again, shocked still at the unexpected turn (He was expecting a rough grab of the shoulder or shirt and getting hauled to a cell); a pause Dagur used to fully haul him up in his arms and adjust his hold into princess carry. "What are you doing out of bed Hiccup! What would've happen to you if I wasn't here! Fall down the stairs and crack you head open is what! Was your legs being unable to properly work not an indicator that you should be in bed!" Dagur ranted at a wide eyed Hiccup.

'Maybe one of the drugs effects is hallucination and I'm about to wake up from being thrown in a cell.' For that surely was a better explanation than what this all was, the boat was just Dagur having a bout of 'caring brother' rather than insane berserker homicidal Viking he usually is.

"Dagur! Put me down!" He tried to flail but his heavy limbs refused to listen.

"No can do brother, you need to keep off your feet for another few hours. I'm surprised you've woken up already! But you're my brother! Should've expected it when it comes to you! You're a fighter and stubborn through and through!" Dagur rambled as he quickly got to the door (A minute rather than Hiccup's five to ten, he noted bitterly).

Dagur opened the door, making sure to close it behind him with his foot. "What are you talking about! I'm not your brother! Wha- where's Toothless!? What did you do to him!?" Hiccup was squirming in Dagur's hold, not that it did much.

"Relax, he's fine. He's sleeping in the hut outside; a fully enclosed with a wooden floor hut." He said as he carefully lowered Hiccup back onto the bed, fake leg taken off and placed on the bedside table, and tucked in. The second bit was added when Hiccup kept trying to kick him in the face with his prosthetic.

"Bring me to him then! I wouldn't be going far! And-and Toothless, he'll panic if I'm not by him!" He tried to sit up but Dagur pushed him back down.

"You need your rest brother, I'm sure Toothless will be asleep for another hour or so-" A roar cut him off. "Or not." Dagur winced as a crash and another roar reached their ears

"I need to get to him-"

"And you think me carrying your limpass body while you look like shit is going to go any better!? Besides, I said you need rest! When was the last time you've had a good restful sleep?"

"You think now is the time to be haggling me about sleep!? And what about when Toothless bursts in here and I'm unresponsive, he's going to think you killed me!"

"Well I can fix anything he breaks so we'll just wait until he gets here, sees you fine in bed and-" The window and wall surrounding it breaks, wood and glass shrapnel and smoke fills the room.

Dagur goes to cover Hiccup from the shrapnel, his arms getting cut, with a singular medium sized piece of broken glass glides a centimeter above his wrist. It continues onward towards Hiccup, whose head was turned and a large edge of the glass caught his cheek. Dark, rich blood coated the glass as it soared past Hiccup and shattered into the wall; glittering fragments, some wine colored, along with drops of blood hung in the air before gracefully falling to the floor.

Hiccup hissed in pain drawing Dagur's attention. One arm was still protectively covering Hiccup's face, the other gently turned Hiccup's head to properly see the wound. Before anything could be done a growl sounded. The two stiffened, Dagur turned his head towards the sound; Hiccup only turning his gaze for Dagur's hand was still holding his head in place.

Seconds later a black paw appeared from the smoke, then a snout that slowly revealed the rest of Toothless' head. His teeth were bared in a snarl as the growling continued, his eyes were slitted in protective fury, and his body was that of a panther enclosing his prey. His nostrils flared for a moment and his eyes landed on the arm that was covering Hiccup's lower half of his face and the hand holding his chin; a second later he also saw the drop of blood that landed on the light colored quilt, quickly followed by several more.

A high pitched roar of wrath echoed through the woods, driving away any animals or dragons left in the area.

(So sorry about the late update, I will try to be better about it but there are no promises... I am sorry in advance as I know my updating schedule was already wacky.)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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