(10) Thoughts Reworked

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Viggo P.O.V

    As Hiccup was going through an early mid-life crisis, Viggo was at the edge of the gaping pit that was strategically structured to be similar to an open pit mine to successfully hold the most amount of dragons possible, until recently that is. The reason Viggo was looking down a gaping pit instead of sailing to Dagur's private island and his Hiccup was simply, the pit was going through a repurposing, a renovation some would say to comfortably hold as many dragons as possible. A stable for dragons. 

    The reason for this sudden change of heart? Hiccup. You see, Viggo is very well aware that if he wanted any chance with Hiccup his dragon hunting days had to end, specifically hurting and killing dragons for profit had to end; he's sure Hiccup won't fault him for selling shed dragon skins or lost teeth and claws. Not only was the pit going to be turned into a stable but also a dragon training and researching station, it was certainly big enough (Search up open pit mining, you'll understand what I mean. Just imagine more height between each "Step"). Viggo is sure Hiccup would love being able to study and train almost every day. Now that Krogen and his men are gone, he is able to do all the projects he wants without question and without sacrificing his men needlessly. 

    Viggo's eyes hardened at the reminder, he almost flayed Krogen, publically, when he found out how many men Krogen lost over careless mistakes just so the project would get done sooner. Oh, the anger he felt when Krogen dismissed the lives lost, but he refrained and vengeance was oh so sweet. Viggo looked at the quickly progressing stone stables with an approving gleam in his eyes, his men were ten times better than Krogen's. Funnily enough, Krogen had offered more men ten times the size of their numbers at the time; just ten times more expendable to Viggo. 

    He looked towards the sky in thought, thoughts of his dear Hiccup coming back to cloud his mind as they have for the past weeks since they've come back from Hiccup's past. He sighed depressingly, to think his poor dear had been mistreated so made him furious, 'but,' he thinks 'I'm nothing if not patient. The long game will bring more suffering to those berks of Vikings, and the best part? They won't even know until it's too late. Even if I did nothing and was content with simply claiming Hiccup out of their greedy hands, they would still fall into ruin. Without Hiccup there to claim heirship, it will naturally go to Snotlout who, in all his denseness he calls a brain will bring Berk to at least financial ruin all on his own. Maybe the Villagers will hunger during the winter without preparations, maybe a rogue dragon will come and destroy everything, or an enemy will overpower them all without Toothless's firepower and Hiccup's genius. So many possibilities over letting them stew in the suffering of their own making, but no, I want to be the cause of their suffering. It's the least they deserve for what they've done to MY dear, innocent Hiccup, and they'll know it too'. Viggo chuckled in dark possessiveness, everyone that heard grinned their own dark smiles with knowing looks tossed to each other. 

    Viggo looked back down at the pit, just a few more weeks till everything is ready, and just a few more days until Hiccup can come home. 

Hiccup's P.O.V (You poor innocent soul, well soon to not be so innocent ;)

    Hiccup felt like he was going crazy. Everything from the rider's true thoughts about him- even Astrid, his supposed lover had secretly hated him- to Dagur and his mother-henning. Yes, you heard him mother-henning. He worried about Hiccup eating and sleeping enough, he always asked if there was anything Dagur could get him to make him even slightly happier other than letting him out; which was why Hiccup was at the desk mindlessly drawing with a brand new leather book using a brand new charcoal pencil. Dagur even sharpened the charcoal for him, mostly so he didn't try anything crazy, desperate, or both. He couldn't even get worked up once he felt nice the leather-bound blank book felt in his hands and found out how smoothly the new charcoal glided on the pages, which pointed to the items being extremely expensive. He's never had anything half as nice as this, not on Berk nor Dragon's Edge. 

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