(1)Right Back Where They Started

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(Now: With the Grimborn Brothers)

A blinding light took over their vision, then the feeling of falling for half a second then the feeling of pain and the sound of wood crashing to the floor, the rustle of papers flying into the air, and the thumps of two bodies, followed by twin groans of pain. It seems the Grinmborn brothers fell on top of their table, which was full of plans and information sheets of different sales, taxes, expenses, and scouting detailings. Of both dragon and dragon rider alike. That of course meant little to the Grimborns at the moment.

For as quick as the brothers were to arrive in the tent, they were just as quick to scramble outside of it. They looked around, at the sky, looking at patrols passing by in the distance. There was nothing off, the sky looked the same, there were no panicked hunters, and thankfully Krogan hadn't been in the tent either. It would have been just like him to do so, silently mocking the fact he was there and they weren't. As soon as the two brothers, well, really Viggo, realized what Shadow said about time stopping was correct they, was really Viggo dragging Ryker, went back inside the tent. 

"So, the witch didn't lie." Viggo nodded at his brother.

"Yes. We didn't lose any time." Viggo looks up with a smirk. "And I think it's time we get dearest Hiccup at our sides." Ryker nods, a similar smirk on his face.

"Right where he belongs."

"Precisely." With that Viggo picks up a parchment detailing the ongoing of Dragon's edge. "Shall we get started?"

(Now: With Dagur)

The same blinding light took over his vision. The same half-a-second feeling of falling with the feeling of pain following closely with the thump of a body hitting the floor. The only difference was there was no sound of wood crashing or papers being rustled from their places, for Dagur had been, and he would not reveal this to anyone-maybe Hiccup-but only if asked, was pacing in the middle of his captain's quarters. Therefore, luckily no one had seen him scrambling off the floor with limbs like a newborn lamb a second later to peer out the window. 

To others, this may have been a crazy thing to get worked up about. Besides Dagur being called deranged, his reasons for such a desperate motion would only be known by others that were with him. For seeing the same land masses and sky solidified were and more importantly when he was. He felt like doing his signature insane laugh but didn't want to risk anyone hearing and decide to check on him. Like that stupid Savage. It was that thought that led to another. A moment of brilliance in Dagur's mind.

He could go and get Hiccup right now. He would use all he knows and take him away from those that will end up hurting him. The hunters under Krogen could be planning a raid right this second, putting Hiccup in danger. He can't have that. He's the big brother, the one that's supposed to protect the little ones. He needs to go and get Hiccup and bring him safely under his care. Stoick couldn't do it, he failed spectacularly, so now it's up to Dagur. The first thing he'll do after gaining Hiccup's trust is tear down that depressiveness, Hiccup's too precious to worry about that. He'll have to take a small ship, one man only, to remain undetected. Dagur pushes himself from the wall and window, racing to get all the supplies needed. He can't wait!

(Now: Mala)

The beginning was the same as Dagur's with Mala looking calmly out the window. Some of her people like to walk at this time after all. She of course came to the same conclusion as the rest, but she had some more thinking to do, but waited a few moments to see if Throk would come. After some time had passed she came to the conclusion he wasn't coming to avoid raising suspicion. This gave her some time to properly think.

Hiccup and the others were currently staying here, and it's true they're friendly with dragons. In the sets of images, Mala noticed that while the others seemed to treat their dragons as glorified loyal pets, Hiccup considered Toothless a true friend, practically a brother, another limp even. Such a bond between the two could only exist with both man and dragon thinking the same thing. And how couldn't they? Toothless has to trust Hiccup to direct him while Hiccup has to trust Toothless not to tire and fall. They both count on each other to give each other the freedom of flight. They have to be so in tune with each other to fly in a vast open space, never mind the kind of connection needed to evade all those sea stacks. That was only, at most, a month of knowing each other; never mind now. Then the big question is, 'How do I get Hiccup away from the rest.' 

She'll have to talk with Throk in more detail in the morning to figure out how to present themselves to Hiccup and the rest when they just watched the most important part of Hiccup's life. They can't go from extreme distrust border lining resentment to welcoming in the span of a few hours. Mala sighed, she would think about it tomorrow. She needed sleep. 

Unknowingly, Throk was thinking the same thing.

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