Chapter 7

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Arthit tore through the club, ignoring those around him as he stopped in front of the bar and ordered a stout drink to start himself down the road to forgetting what he had just been subjected to. He threw the first drink back and then ordered a second, he nursed it as he nursed the jumble of confusion his emotions had become.

He had finished his second drink and was ordering a third when he felt the weight of a hand come to rest on his shoulder, and a familiar voice whispering, "It's on me."

"What are you doing here?" Arthit asked, not having to look to know that it was Kongpob who was behind him. "Don't you have a...client?" He spat the word out as though it left a bad taste in his mouth before he reached for the drink the bartender passed to him. He drank it all in one gulp before setting the glass down, cringing at the taste.

Kongpob ignored his questions, sinking into the barstool next to him. "Why'd you come back?" he asked, not looking at Arthit as he motioned for the bartender to get him a drink as well. "I never expected to see you again when you walked out."

A soft snort left Arthit as he cradled the empty glass in his hands. "Yeah, well, I didn't expect to run into your sister," he replied dryly, almost bitterly as he glanced at the man next to him. "When I came back to talk to you, I didn't expect to find you with another man either."

There was silence as Kongpob took a drink and then he let out a soft sigh. "It's my job," he reminded the other, turning to looking at him with a deep frown. "You don't own me, Black. You never have."

"You looked so..."

"Why are you here, Arthit?" Kongpob cut him off, turning back to his drink as he waited for an answer, playing with the rim of his drink.

It was Arthit's turn to fall silent. He looked away and looked down at his own empty glass, remembering how empty Kongpob's eyes had looked minutes before.

"May told me that you were in love with me," he finally replied, not looking at the other man out of fear. He wasn't sure why, but he needed to hear the truth from Kongpob, even if it was rejection. "Is it true?"

"Once upon a time it was."

Kongpob walked away after, while Arthit stood rooted to the spot reeling away with the impact of the words he just heard.



16:00 pm 

The week went on so agonizingly that Arthit felt like half of his life burned in front of his eyes. Like he is watching but could do nothing but inhale the smell burnt ash. He remembered the day he approached Kongpob in their high school. He spent days weeks months courting him and have stayed with Kongpob for more than 17 hours a day and yet he didn't realize that he is that special for the boy. He expected to be special at one point, but it was like whenever he went to meet up his other friends with whom he made the bet. it somehow felt easier to betray the trust of Kongpob on him. 

Maybe because seeing most of his classmates are looking at him like they are envious of him or the thrill of having access to something very unreachable to others or maybe he felt like it's very necessary for him to manipulate Kong to FIT IN with others. 

He kept recalling every single memory he has, and he also realized the only face he can clearly picture up when he thinks about his school days is of Kongpob.

He felt dizzy and very uneasy he knew he's burning up with fever. So he stood went to his room popped up a paracetamol and fell on the bed , closed his eyes and  slept with thoughts of Kongpob.

He was tight, so wonderfully tight that it nearly hurt, but Arthit continued pushing himself into the waiting wet heat. He choked back a groan and draped himself over his lover's back as his fingers dug into smooth hips, murmuring soft praises and encouragement into his ear until, finally, he was completely sheathed inside him.

"You feel so good," Arthit groaned against sweaty skin, his lips brushing against the other's earlobe as he spoke. "So fucking good—so hot for me," he breathed before falling silent, panting heavily as he leaned back.

He took a moment to admire the long, lean line of his lover's back before he caressed the bare sides of the Kong's body, making him shudder under his ministrations.

Arthit didn't move, he remained as still as possible as his hands soothed and relaxed the young man before him. He waited and waited. For what felt like forever until Kong finally pressed back into him, giving Arthit the silent signal to move. His fingers curled into honey skin as Arthit rolled his hips into the body before him, moaning softly in pleasure as Kong moved back against him.

He kept his thrusts slow—controlled and calculated because he wanted to be begged. He wanted his lover to plead with him. He wanted to see this soft-spoken teenager come undone.

But most importantly, he wanted to hear his name echoing in his bedroom. The dull, airy thud of skin against skin was a soft constant in the room, one he ached to change, to increase, but wouldn't. Not until he broke the boy beneath him.

"Ar_ ughhh..."

At first, his voice startled him, and he snapped his hips forward with an almost vicious intent. He had never heard that tone come out of this man before. This soft, pleading voice that begged him so sweetly.

"Oon, please..."

"What?" Arthit prompted, needing to hear the words—wanting to hear those dirty words come out of his mouth. He was tainting innocence and he'd get the job done right.

"Tell me, baby, tell me what you want me to do," he cooed as he teased the man's sides.

"Arthit, please."

Arthit chuckled lowly, softly, smiling sweetly as he kept moving at the same pace.

"I want to hear it," he said, his voice stern as he snapped his hips again—a promise of what was ahead if only his lover could speak the words he so desired to hear.

"Do it, please." His voice trembled and his body shook, but Arthit still wouldn't relent because that wasn't what he wanted to hear. But it was close, so close.

"Arthit, Arthit, fuck me. Please."

He smiled broadly, a sure sign of his victory as he grasped the man's hips before pulling himself nearly completely out.

"As you wish," he murmured, his smile morphing into a devious smirk before he snapped his hips again, but this time it was harder, harsher, and it made the man beneath him cry out.

He woke up with sudden realization that he's been dreaming of Kongpob since long and the day he made love to the teenage boy.

And finally, after much thought he went back to the same place he last saw Kongpob an only to feel like his blood is boiling. There stood MARK. The ONE to provoke him to do what he did back then.  


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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