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Jays p.o.v

Things have been calming down a bit more these days. Since Cole's back we've all had some time to cal down and breathe, but the others have been trying to find the assassin boss. I've not really been to hot on the idea but I've tried to help out a bit, I was looking at all that I could find of him on the criminal records and other websites when Cole came up behind me.

"Hey bolt brain" he said resting his head on my shoulder "hey" I said grinning "what ya doing?" "Just working on finding him" I said gesturing to a picture of the guy. "Right" he sighed.

Coles p.o.v

As I watched Jay work away I couldn't help but stare. His eyes were a beautiful color of blue and they looked electric as they darted from side to side looking at the screen. "You know you don't have to stress out to much about finding this guy" I said worried, "I know I know I'm just trying to help" he sighed "how about you take a break?" I asked him "sure, what you wanna do?" He said turning around "video games?" "Oh your so on" he said sprinting to the gaming room "jay waitttttt" I said running after him.

Time skip because yes 🙌

I was being a normal person sitting on the couch normally while Jay.. being the idiot he is, was sitting (if you can technically call it that) upside down on the floor with his legs on the wall. "Jay how do you not have a migraine yet" I said genuinely surprised "I'm just that talented" he said smugly "oh sure" I said rolling my eyes. "Hey guys what you doing?" Kai said walking into the room "hey Kai" I said, "yup hey Kai" Jay said looking at the game "Cole why is Jay sitting like that?" "Beats me" I said rolling my eyes "it's comfy!" Jay said glaring at us. "Sure whatever drama king" Kai said "say that again" Jay said getting ready to pounce "drama. King." "Come here you-!" Jay screamed running towards Kai. Kai screamed and started running away as fast as he could, it was pretty entertaining if I'm gonna be honest. "There!" Jay huffed shoving Kai next to me "try it again and you'll regret it!" Jay stated angrily, I looked at Jay noticing the bandages on his arms and legs. They made my mood suddenly drop, Jay notices and tries to cheer me up "wanna grab some cake?" He asks grinning "do I wanna?!" I say jumping up from the couch and running to get a jacket. Jay giggled and followed me close behind.

Jays p.o.v

As we left for the bakery I noticed a weird looking guy staring. Right. at. me. But I just ignored him. When we got to the bakery Cole immediately went to buy some cake (literally nobody is surprised) I sat down on one of the tables close to the windows. As I looked outside I noticed the same guy watching me from across the street, this is when I started getting creeped out was this guys stalking me?

When Cole came back with the cake and some coffee I tried to hide the weirdness for at least a while. "Jay you good?" He asked while stuffing his face with cake "yup I'm good" I said smiling, he nodded and continued to eat. "Why's that guy staring at us?" He asked looking out the window, I turned and saw the guy. Yet again across the street, "yeah I've noticed him too, he's been standing there for like ten minutes straight" I said flatly

Why does he look so familiar?

Hi I'm so sorry I've not been posting that much I'll try to get more chapters out. Thanks for 300+ reads! Love you all and have a good day/afternoon/night


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