The sound of bones breaking

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Cole's p.o.v

Jay cried his eyes out but the man next to him didn't seem to care. What the hell is wrong with him?! Jay's a person too! I felt anger boiling inside of me, but Zane reached over and stopped me from killing that guy. "Cole, relax we don't know what this man has up his sleeve" he warns "fine" I say gridding my teeth "what did you do to him?!" Nya says angrily. "Well.... this wouldn't have happened if he just agreed with me but... he didn't so, technically this is his fault" he said grinning evilly "you son of-" Kai starded but was cut off my the man's laughing "wel it's been fun but I Really need to go. Lightning? Do me a favor and finish them of.

Jays eyes widened with fear. "Run", I looked at him confused "Cole run!" Jay yelled frantically. Jay charged for him and nearly stabbed him "I'm sorry!" Jay cried, he ran towards him again. This time Cole barely dogged "Jay?" Cole asked "its the strings! I can't do anything!" Jay said shaking. Jay's arms moved upwards and suddenly....


Everyone froze. It was no mistake, the movements that Jay was being forced to to caused him to break his arm, Kai tried to run forwards but was nearly struck down by Jays dagger. "Don't come near me! I'll just hurt you" Jay yelled terrified "he's right, there must be another way" Zane said, at this point nobody thought it could get this far but here we were. Watching helplessly as one of our teammates suffered more than hell, "Jay! Do you know how to get the strings off you?!" Nya yelled "I don't know!" He yelled back as he charged at me "I'm sorry! I-"


Again... Jays other arm was broken. Jay let out a bloodcurdling scream of pain, I couldn't stand there. I rushed behind him looking for something keeping the strings together. It was hard to look because he couldn't stay still for more than 3 seconds, either trying to get me or somebody else. Finally I spotted something on his neck, not sure what it was but I knew we needed to get it of him. Nya was trying to hold Jay down but failed, "guys! Jay has something on his neck! Any idea how to get it off?!" I yelled "nope!" Kai said back as he dogged another of Jays attacks. I grabbed both Jays arms but let go when I remembered he broke them, "forget about them being broken! Just get it off me!" Jay yelled. So I grabbed them again and watched as Jay winced in pain,  Nya ran over and tried to take the thing off him but before she could even try Jay slammed his head into mine and sent me sprawling on the floor as he nocked Nya to the ground.

Enough is enough. I tackled Jay to the floor, Zane quickly followed to try and get the thing off, Kai helped Nya up while Lloyd knelt next to us. "Just get it off!" Jay said wincing "I'm trying!" Zane said fumbling with the strings "I've broken two of my arms! I don't have time!" Jay whined. "It was getting harder to hold jay down as the strings continued to move around, "just hold on" I said as Zane kept trying to unlock the strings holding jay. "I almost got it-" but Zane was cut of by jays head banging on him, he few backwards and slammed into a wall. "Zane! I'm sorry!" Jay yelled before shoving me off, he slammed his foot to my chest making pain surge through me.

As the others help me and Zane back up. I looked back up at jay with helplessness in my eyes, he was my best friend maybe even more than that but yet I stood there watching him suffer and not being able to help him through the hell of a torture. His eyes were broken know every inch of him scraped or bloody, his happy smile was gone. He didn't even feel like jay right now. But I couldn't just stay there watching I had to do something but what?, Jay suddenly stopped dead as he walked towards us. He quickly changed directions toward bog tower, why? I don't know. But what ever it was it couldn't be good.

We followed Jay as fast as we could, being controlled made him even faster. Since he was the fastest ninja it made him difficult to follow, he swerved and turned every which way. When we finally got to the top Jay stood next to the man we saw before, his face was grim "wow. Congratulations you survived more than I thought, but now is the end for you" he said before pulling out a pack of maches. That's when I noticed the floor was covered in gasoline, so that was his plan. Burn the building with us inside of it, "you know it didn't have to end this way, you didn't have to follow him. You could have just let him come to me and leave freely, but of course. You heroes never pick the easy way, you stick with your friends until the end. Why?" He asked


"Because people care. They will sacrifice themselves just so that the others can escape and live their lives." Tears began falling down my cheeks "they'll do it again and again and again if they had the Chance. There's so many things I've wanted to go back in time and change for the better. But we all know that that's not possible, you don't care about anything else than yourself!" I yelled

"Lies! I care! About all of my comrades!" The man snapped "look at Jay! You made his life miserable! Maybe it would be better if you'd never existed then we would all have a better life without you! Less pain and suffering less sadness and despair. Your nothing but a poisonous plant in a beautiful garden. All you do is make things worse! If you set this place on fire it'll just show how horrible you really are. I hope that when you die hell will have a special place to swallow you hole. To make sure you get the torture you deserve" I growled

"Why you!" The man said shaking with anger. Then he lit the Mach and let it drop, fire spread faster and faster. The man pushed a button and the windows and doors locked completely. "Have fun heroes!" And with that he disappeared. "Jay!" I yelled the threads began to burn away Leaving him on the floor. I ran to him while the rest tried to find a way to open the doors, "jay?" I asked again "hey... boulder brain" he said weakly "come on we'll get you out of here" I said picking him up. I ran to the others with jay, "any luck?" I asked trying not to breathe the smoke "nothing!" Kai yelled over the crashing of the flames.

I put Jay next to the door as I ran around trying to find a switch to open the doors. "Guys look!" Lloyd yelled pointing to a switch on the wall, he switched it on and the doors opened, I grabbed jay and ran out. We scrambled down the stairs as fast as we could. The fire kept spreading behind us. The ceiling began to crumble and fall as we passed. The door was completely blocked by metal and machine's, we began to throw off all the pieces of metal. Soon the only thing blocking the way was a large piece of burning hot metal, I grabbed it and held it up so the others could escape "GO!" I yelled at them. Lloyd and Nya ran out first followed by Zane, then Kai grabbed Jay and dragged him outside. "Cole!" Jay yelled as Kai dragged him away.

I'm so sorry bud.

I'm so sorry....

I never go to tell you....

How much you actually mean to me

If I don't survive I promise that in the next life I'll make you mine...

Im so sorry.....

Aaaaaaaaa this chapter took me so long! I poured my heart into this! I hope you like it!

This story has been my favorite thing to do! Thanks for the support I promise that it's not then end yet



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