part 9

13 1 1

Jake's pov

In the morning I got up and got dressed and walked downstairs as my mother and dad made me some breakfast, I finished eating my breakfast and put my dish in the sink as I walked upstairs and walked into my room and grabbed a suitcase as I packed my clothes into my suitcase and walked downstairs as we left the house and got into the car as my mom started the engine and we drove off

Halfway through the highway my best friend Matt started messaging me and I texted him back as my mom and dad started talking about Cassie and her trip to texas, I fell asleep in the backseat of the car which I didn't get much of so I woke up and we stopped at a gas station and got a snack, after awhile we finally reached my grandparents house and they walked outside as they were surprised at how big I got so quickly and ethan and emily awkwardly smiled

My grandmother grabbed my suitcase and I walked inside the house with her as my parents drove off, I sat on the couch as my grandmother put the TV on and we watched the young and restless for hours until my grandparents decided to take me out for dinner, we went to a restaurant four blocks from their house and I got steak and potatoes as my grandparents got the same thing, halfway through my dinner a waitress turned the TV on and the news started broadcasting about an airplane that was enroute to Texas lost an engine and went out of control

" wait? Did they say flight 57....Cassie " I said as I excused myself to the bathroom and walked outside and seen a crowd of people watching the airplane in the air so I ran into an alley and as I kept running I felt a wave of of energy go through me as my feet slowly started lifting off the ground and I started flying through the air as I flew towards the plane I grabbed onto the wing of the plane and started leveling the plane out with my strength as I landed the plane in the water and climbed onto the wing as everyone on the plane took out their cellphones and started taking pictures of me and recording me as I caught my breath and looked at Cassie who had a shocked look on her face

After I saved the plane a bunch of helicopters flew over to me and shined their light on me and I knew my parents were gonna kill me so I flew back into the air and headed home

Ethan's pov

At home me and Jane and Benny and Rory and Sarah were sitting in the living room as Jane wanted popcorn so I got up and walked into the kitchen with Sarah as she grabbed a bowl and I grabbed a popcorn bag from the cabinet and placed it in the microwave as it started popping so I took it out and poured the popcorn into the bowl as Benny called for me to come back into the living room so I grabbed the popcorn and walked back into the living room as Rory and Benny pointed at the TV

Benny had turned the news on and my jaw dropped when I saw Jake saving a plane by flying through the air, I dropped the bowl and covered my mouth as I pointed at the TV slightly and looked at my friends

" I'm gonna kill him " I said as Benny and Rory looked at me

" you might not have to " Rory said knowing the damage Jake caused with his powers

" why didn't you tell Jake that he has to keep his powers a secret? " Sarah asked me

" I forgot to talk to him about it " I said as Sarah sighed

" well now the whole world knows vampires exist " Sarah said as I was confused about one thing

" wait....vampires don't show up on camera and they don't fly like that... why's he showing up on camera? " I said confused

" Is he a full vampire? " Benny asked me

" Not that I know of " I said as Sarah sighed

" forget that, we have a bigger problem " Sarah said as I sighed and sat down

I got a message from Emily saying Jake came home so I walked over to her house and knocked on her door as she opened it and let me in, I walked over to Jake who was sitting on the couch smiling

" Dad, I just saved a bunch of people and Cassie...did you see it? " Jake said happily as Emily crossed her arms

" I tried explaining to him why this is bad but he won't listen " Emily said as I sat on the coffee table in front of Jake

" yeah I did see, and now it's a major problem for us " I said as Jake furrowed his brows in confusion

" I don't understand why are you mad? " Jake asked me

" Because bud, you just exposed not only yourself but your friends to the entire world by letting them know vampires exist in Whitechapel " I said as Jake got upset

" I don't care " Jake said as I furrowed my brows

" Jake, I'm trying to protect you " I said as Jake stood up


" Jake " I said as I sighed

" I'll talk to him " Sarah said as she walked upstairs but I stopped her

" Sarah don't " I said as she stopped and looked at me

Jake's pov

I ran into my bedroom and shut my door as I sat on my bed and started crying as I felt a gust of wind in my face from my window as I saw a guy wearing a dark black coat smiling at me so I gasped and got up as tears fell down my face

" Jesse? What are you doing here? " I said as I hissed at him

" relax, I'm here to help you with your powers " Jesse said as I started backing up slowly

" why would you want to help me with my powers after you attacked my friends and my parents? " I asked him

" look I know that I've done a lot of terrible things in the past but I've done worse and I actually thought that what you did with the plane was pretty I talked to the vampire council and they want to meet you " Jesse said as dryer the tears from my face and smiled

" really? " I said

" yeah, come could even join my crew if you want " Jesse said as he held out his hand and I started thinking as I slowly walked toward him and grabbed his hand and we flew out the window

Me and Jesse flew to the vampire councils building as we landed on the ground and their were a bunch of vampires standing around when we walked inside, we walked through the hallway and into a room and Jesse smiled as a girl walked over to me and smiled at me

" It's great to meet you Jake... Jesse's told us so much about you " the girl said as her fangs showed and I smiled at her

" cool " I said as she grabbed a black jacket

" welcome to the vampire council Jake....this is where you'll learn everything you need to about being a vampire and your long as your in my crew you dont have to worry about keeping your powers a secret...go ahead and make some friends " Jesse said as I smiled and walked away and started talking to some girls and guys

After awhile of talking the girl handed me a black leather jacket as I smiled and put it on and walked over to Jesse who smiled at me

" are you having fun? " Jesse asked me

" yeah, why did we come here? " I asked Jesse as I forgot about my family and friends

" We're here to help you with your powers...what do you say? " Jesse asked me as he held out his hand and I looked at his hand and looked around

" Do you want to join my crew? " Jesse asked me as I looked at his hand and smiled as I shook his hand

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