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"Forgot this," I hear and my eyes widen when I register the voice, turning around to face Christina who hangs out of the room with a keycard in her hand. "And this," She waves my phone in her other hand, careful not to hold it too close to the card.

I take them both from her, careful not to touch her skin in the transfer and she disappears back into the room without another word. Letting out a sigh of relief, I continue on my way to the other girls' room, knocking and waiting.

It's Reed who answers the door and gestures for me to come inside. "Hanging in there?" She asks and I roll my eyes.

"I'll live."

"Look who's no longer over-exaggerating," She teases and I stick my tongue out, crashing back onto a perfectly made bed. Maddie looks at me out of the corner of her eye and goes back to hanging up her clothes, checking her phone once before putting it in her back pocket.

"So game. Dinner. Swim?" I ask, changing the topic and Reed nods, sitting beside me.

"Yeah, we'll eat in the hotel and go for a swim after."

"Is everyone invited to that?" I ask hesitantly but they both know what I really mean by that.

"Well, they're guests of the hotel to so if they want to come, we can't stop them."

"You invited them yourself, didn't you?" I ask and Maddie turns around, tapping her nose with a little smirk on her face.

"I like them!" Reed defends.

"I thought you didn't like Christina in solidarity? Change your tune so quickly..." I tease.

"Oh, I don't. When I say hi, I don't even ask follow-up questions." She says and I roll my eyes, smiling.

"You don't need to dislike her for me. I'm aware she's quite popular."

"I don't think Reed's friends with her because she's popular," Maddie says and I shrug.

"She's charming, or so I've heard," I admit reluctantly.

"Or so you've heard..." Reed repeats, looking over at Maddie, and the two exchange a glance.

"Alright, I'd rather take a nap than be subject to this," I tell them, standing up with my phone in one hand and my key card in the other.

"I'll call you when you should start getting ready if you sleep in!" Reed calls out to me as I leave the room and I throw up a hand to wave back at her, assuming she can see me.

The walk back to my assigned room is short and I scan my keycard, knock lightly twice just in case someone is getting changed, and go in. Taylor and Layla are nowhere to be found, and Christina is standing by the dresser, her claimed drawer open and her arms above her head as she slips on a different top.

My eyes widen at the sight of so much exposed skin, the dip in her back pronounced, the muscle on either side of her spine obviously strong from cheerleading and working out. She turns around to face me and my eyes dart to the bed.

"Hey," She says quietly, her voice unsure.

"I was just going to take a nap..." I say, glancing up before walking over to the wall outlet and plugging my phone in to charge, to give me something to do with my fidgety hands.

"Same here," She says and I look up, noticing the top she'd just changed into looks soft and comfortable, perfect for sleeping. My eyes trail lower, past her sleep shorts, and land on her long, toned legs briefly before I get the good sense to look away. "I'll just take their bed because they're not here."

"Oh, thanks," I say, slumping onto the bed and lying on my side. The sound of rustling makes me crack an eye open and I watch as Christina pulls back the covers, her back to me and the hem of her shorts dangerously short, just slightly baring where her ass meets her thigh. She turns to slide into the bed and I screw my eyes shut so as to not get caught ogling her.

𝐑𝐞𝐝 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora