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Watching Reed get dragged off, willingly of course, by Farris is an interesting thing to watch "Took them long enough." Aaron says quietly and my head snaps towards him, looking at him as he watches them in the same way that I just was.

"And how would you know?" I ask him, accidentally sounding condescending, but he doesn't rear his head back, he just turns to face me.

"I knew about Reed and Farris long before I met either of them. Charlie doesn't gossip with anyone but me."

"I find that hard to believe," I mutter.

"You sound quite bitter if I'm being honest." He says and I blink, not at all used to being spoken to with such candor. "I was just sharing something with you, your reaction was unnecessary. That is my sister you're talking about." He says quietly, putting me in my place and I shut my mouth, eyebrows raising in surprise at his blunt retort. I give him a nod, lips pursed and surprisingly, not feeling the slightest bit mad about it.

"I like your costume," I say, breaking the silence and this causes everyone else to look at me, then Aaron.

"And I like yours as well," Aaron says kindly, and a kind of understanding passes between us as we look into each other's eyes.

"Did you finish the book?" I ask and he nods, his eyes wary and alert, as if I'll attack him at any moment. "Did you like it?"

"It was interesting."

"You should read Misery next." I offer. When I look back at the others, they all seem to have dispersed while we started talking. I'm surprised that Charlotte would leave me alone with her precious baby brother.

"I thought you read romance?" He asks, turning to face me better.

"I didn't say that."

"You implied it."

"So what?" I challenge him and he looks up at my eyebrow with a barbell through it, then back down to my face, looking at anything but my eyes.

"Nothing. I quite liked the idea of you being a closet romantic." He says, his voice soft.

"And if I am?" I ask, beyond curious as to what it is about this guy that draws me to him so strongly.

"That would make one thing that we have in common, I suppose."

"We have more in common than that. We both dressed up as fictional characters. Although mine is a little scarier."

"Ed Gein was not. Fictional, that is." He says and consider me impressed by his knowledge, fictional or not.

"You didn't pick out your own costume though," I say, knowing that it's true. My guess is that he wouldn't have worn a costume at all if it had been entirely up to him.

"I did not. But it was Charlie's birthday yesterday, so..." He trails off, briefly making eye contact with me as I stand up and hold my hand out to him.

"Come dance with me, Mr. Darcy."

"Please don't call me that," He grimaces, standing up and taking my hand hesitantly. I'm going to need a drink if he keeps talking. That accent.

"Come dance with me. Aaron." I meet his eyes as I say his name and watch as he visibly shivers, drawing a small, accomplished smile to my face.

"God Maddie, how do you look so hot in a fucking turtleneck?" I hear a guy groan from behind me and Aaron's head snaps up, looking over my shoulder and glaring. I put my hands on Aaron's chest and shake my head, drawing his attention back to me. Whoever said that sounds familiar and giving him the attention that he wants will only encourage him. Leaning up on my toes, I whisper in Aaron's ear, placing one hand on his shoulder.

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