Chapter 2

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there's some slight torture in this chapter, I suck at writing it tho.
partypoopers pov: ^^

i woke up, I was tied up again. this time actually strapped down to the table and the doors were locked. they were completely blocked with stuff as well. I saw the partygoer sharpening a knife then turning on the stove, leaving the blade part of the knife on the burner. "what the hell is he doing?" I thought.

he was waiting then he walked up to me with the separate knife that he was sharpening. "what the hell is boutta happen?" I thought again. then I realized why he was heating up that knife.

the only thing I could see clearly was him walking up to me. he leaned over the table and said "stupid fucking bitch." and stabbede in the leg. I screamed in pain but couldn't move much of my body.

nobody's pov:

the partygoer stabbed 37 in the leg and he screamed in pain. he walked away and grabbed the knife that was being heated up and turned off the stove. he came back to 37, who was scared as fuck. "y'know it was pretty stupid of you to try and escape me." the partygoer said, stabbing him in the same spot with the heated knife.

the partypooper screamed in pain again, tears forming in his eyes. the partygoer smiled, licking the blood on his knife (the non heated up one). he continued stabbing him in random spots, the partypooper at this point was screaming in pain and pathetically struggling to get away.

the partygoer was enjoying this, he was using a heated knife to cauterize the wounds. the partygoer stopped after 30 minutes and knocked the partypooper out with a nearby object.

the partygoer threw the knife across the room and crossed his arms, wondering what to do. he then just stares at the wall for 6 hours.

47's pov ig:

I was just sitting down, I heard a few screamed but they were extremely muffled so I can barely hear them. it's probably 97 torturing another human. I also heard someone scream at the top of their lungs into a microphone. said "I'm the cockroach that cooks with the food in your microwave!"

after finishing what I was doing, I closed my laptop and threw it under my bed somewhere. I'm gonna have fun finding that later. then I laid down and went to sleep.

back to 37's POV:

I woke up 3 hours later, the partygoer that I'm still trynna remember their name was sitting on their counter, scrolling through YouTube shorts. they didn't notice me being awake so he just ignored me. he was straight up laying on his counter with one leg hanging off.

I was actually able to move enough to sit up. he still didn't notice me. I went back to sleep so I could at least pretend I was still unconscious. but i was pretty sure he was walking towards me. he didn't. have a knife this time, he had a box of matches.

I woke up to being burnt in the thighs, he was chuckling quietly. I screamed in pain again, I actually punched him in the nose as hard as I could. he bit his lip and punched me back then said "bitch, I'm a masochist, I like pain."

"damnit" I thought, crossing my arms. he stabbed me in the leg again then took the match to it. I screamed louder, then punched him in the jaw. he just stood there, emotionless and laughed, licking the blood off of the knife.

"yknow you cant escape me. so why do you fight back? you KNOW its useless." he said, smirking. i sighed and just waited for him to do whatever and kill me. im stupid enough to let this happen, so this is obviously my punishment for being fucking stupid.

he looked a little bored after he licked all the blood off the knife. he walked. away and grabbed a small knife. he jumped jumped. up onto the table I was on and leaned over me. he. brought the knife up to my chest.

"usually they would scream by now. then try to fight back. trying to act 'strong' or 'tough'? or you've just given up?" he asked, taking the cigarette out of his mouth and pressing it against my neck. i bit my lip and tried to fight back.

he smiled and punched me again. but I also heard this shit playing on his laptop.






Partygoer X Partypooper Story Idk Lol, Just Bored 2.0Where stories live. Discover now