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eighteen - decisions

It had been a few days after the championship game. One evening Kate had decided to take a walk, because her mother was home. When she got back, she was met with a surprise.

"Kate, you're home," Eleanor greeted with a touch of formality. "There's someone I'd like you to meet. This is Richard Geller."

Kate's gaze followed her mother's gesture, and she was met with the sight of a distinguished looking man, standing in their living room.

"Hello, Kate," Richard said, extending his hand with a warm smile. "I've heard great things about you. It's a pleasure to finally meet in person."

Kate shook his hand, her own grip firm, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Geller."

Eleanor interjected, "Mr. Geller here is from Columbia University, Kate. He's been talking to me about their program, and he's quite impressed with your potential."

Kate's heart sank. She knew that her mother's connections had paved the way for this meeting, but it was a reminder of the strained relationship they shared. Eleanor's expectations and Kate's own aspirations did not match.

Richard continued, "Kate, Columbia University is a world class institution. With your talent and dedication, you could thrive there."

Kate nodded, her mind racing. She could go to Columbia and accomplish her father's dream, but the decision weighed heavily on her. She needed to make a choice that was truly her own, separate from the expectations and connections that surrounded her. Because she did love basketball, and UCLA would be a great opportunity.

Kate's fingers clenched around the edge of the armrest, her knuckles turning white as she fought to contain her frustration. The air in the room seemed to thicken with tension as Eleanor and Richard Geller discussed the prospects of Columbia University.

Finally, the man had left. Kate was fumed with anger.

"Mom, I can't believe you brought him here without even asking me. This is my decision, not yours." Kate accused.

Eleanor's expression tightened, "Kate, Richard is just trying to offer you an incredible opportunity. You should at least consider what he had to say."

"I have considered it, Mom. But it's not about what you or Richard want. It's about what I want for my future," Kate replied.

Eleanor was clearly frustrated with her daughter, "Kate, you're being unreasonable. I'm only trying to help you succeed."

Kate's temper flared. "Help me succeed? You're not even listening to what I want! You never have."

In a moment of determination, Kate took a deep breath. "You know what, Mom? I've made my decision. I've been offered a full scholarship to UCLA, and I'm taking it."

Eleanor's face was full of shock and anger. "UCLA? You're turning down Columbia for a state school?"

"It's not just any state school, Mom. It's an incredible opportunity and one that I've earned on my own merit," Kate shot back, her voice steady.

Eleanor's anger flared. "You're making a mistake, Kate. You'll regret this."

"Mom it's my life, you know at first I wanted to go Columbia for dad, but now? I just want to get far away from you!" She shouted.

Eleanor was taken back. But then she had a hint of sadness.

"Kate, I set this up because I felt bad for what I did. And I thought this could help." She told Kate.

Kate sighed, "Mom, you can't just bribe me with anything, especially after what you did."

Eleanor has not apologized to Kate after she hit her. But the girl did try to avoid her as much as possible.

a crush on kate bishopWhere stories live. Discover now